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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-31



There isn’t a one-size-fits-all guide for how to raise your kid. If there was, that would be both very helpful and also sort of creepy. But in the absence of that handbook, it seems like every parent has unsolicited opinions about the *right* way to raise children. Just ask professional mommy-Chrissy Teigen.


Or ask these Redditors, who recently shared some of the worst parenting tips they’d been told - ones that sound deceptively like good parenting tips.


1. "Constantly tell your kids they’re the smartest kids ever." -ninjanikki91

1. “时常告诉孩子,他们是世界上最聪明的。”——ninjanikki91

2. "Keep your kids super clean and away from potential allergens." -Davidjhyatt

2. “把孩子打理的超级干净,不让他们接触任何过敏原。”——Davidjhyatt

3. "Don’t let your kids fail. The worst thing we can do as parents is never allow our kids to fail. We only fail them, as parents, by never allowing them to face disappointment and are robbing them of the ability to learn some basic life skills. Let your kids fail, fall on their face, pick themselves up, and rub the dirt off." -annadrome

3. “别让孩子失败。不让孩子经历失败是我们作为父母做过的最差劲的事情。不让孩子们直面失败,导致他们失去学习基本生活技巧的能力,才是真正耽误了他们。就放手让孩子去体验失败吧,让他们丢脸受挫,然后再勇敢爬起来,拍拍身上的尘土,继续前行。”——annadrome

4. "Make up a scary lie as a consequence to get your child to do as you say, e.g. ’If you don’t get to sleep, you will die!’ *child proceeds to have trouble sleeping because they’re scared of dying for not sleeping*" -hole_da_door

4. “为了让孩子听话,故意编造出一些吓人的东西,比如说,‘你要是不赶紧睡觉就会死掉!’孩子因为一直担心自己不睡觉就会死,这样一来反而更加难以入眠了。”——hole_da_door

5. "Have a second child so they can babysit each other." -noob_almost

5. “再要个二胎吧,这样他们相互之间就能有个照应了。”——noob_almost

6. "My sister has the habit of buying both of my nephews presents, but she does it in a way that she thinks is fair. I mean, say it’s my oldest nephew’s birthday. Well, she buys them both toys so that they don’t feel left out. Same for the younger one. If, say, one of them gets good grades or has done something good, they both get presents. I mean, that’s awesome, but I feel that that might be a bad parenting habit since she’s spoiling them both at the same time. And most of the time, the oldest fights over the younger one’s toys, because he chooses something that interested him later on. So I don’t think it’s working." -AReverieofEnvisage


7. "Lying to your kids to explain difficult things. I get that in some situations, like if someone commits suicide, telling an alternative story may be a good idea. But for 99% of situations or questions a kid asks, a parent should respond factually." -modudupup

7. “在解释一些复杂的东西时对孩子撒谎。我碰到过这种情况,比如说有人自杀,我是觉得这时候给孩子换个别的事讲讲会比较好。但是99%的情况下,父母还是应该如实相告。”——modudupup

8. "If they are throwing a tantrum, distract them by giving sweet treats or a new toy." -Divgirl2

8. “孩子要是乱发脾气,就给他们点甜点吃,或者买个新玩具哄哄。”——Divgirl2

9. "You have the right to invade your child’s privacy because it’s for their own good. There are specific situations where I think doing this can be condoned. But I’m talking about those parents who go through the kid’s diary, social platforms, closets, everything – just because their kid is acting secretive or because the parents ’have a hunch.’ Children of parents like that will grow up to be mistrusting of others, among other issues. Your kid probably wouldn’t act so sketchy around you if you taught them early about good communication and trust. Snooping around their stuff and not giving them their own space is not good for either of you. Trust is not a one-way deal." -mang0fandang0

9. “父母有权打探孩子的隐私,这可是为了他们好。在某些特定的情况下,这种行为是可以被容忍的。但是如今我要说的是下面这种父母,他们偷翻孩子的日记和柜子,还在社交平台上偷偷关注他们,而这一切仅仅是因为孩子最近表现得有些神秘,或者父母‘感觉孩子心里藏着秘密’。这种父母养育出来的孩子长大之后会面临一个很严重的问题,那就是他们不会轻易相信别人。如果你在孩子小时候就培养他良好的沟通能力,教会他信任,那他很可能就不会成为这个样子。到处窥探孩子们的隐私,不给他们留一点私人空间,这样对他对你都不好。信任才是解决这个问题的唯一方法。”——mang0fandang0

10. "It doesn’t matter how miserable and toxic your marriage becomes, you need to stay with your partner to keep the family together." -BreadCrumbles


11. "Stalk your child on social media to make sure they are safe." -dinosaregaylikeme


12. "Your child can never do wrong. Something else must be the problem." -EnchantedOcelot


13. "If you ignore them they will leave you alone. Whoever made up this advice originally is stupid. This hardly works on adults, let alone children who still don’t understand the ’too far’ line when joking/teasing." -pryzmly

13.“只要不搭理他们,他们自然就不会烦你了。不管是谁提出了这么个建议,其实都挺傻的。这种方法在成年人身上尚且都不奏效, 更别说是那么点儿的孩子了,因为以他们现在的接受能力,在开玩笑还有戏弄人的时候很难明白‘过火’的界限。”——pryzmly

14. "Make your kids give hugs and kisses to show affection to relatives, friends, etc." -geauxjolie


15. "Give them treats and rewards EVERY time they do a chore or something around the house." -haroldburgess

15. “只要他们帮忙做家务就可以得到零食或者奖励。”——haroldburgess

16. "Always tell your kids to finish their food. This honestly just promotes obesity and an unhealthy lifestyle, although I get the idea of telling them to finish what’s on their plates." –cairenebitch

16. “总是跟孩子说不要剩饭。讲真,虽然我也是这么做的,但是这样真的会引起孩子的肥胖问题,还会让他们养成不健康的生活方式。”——cairenebitch

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