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iPhone 8最新情报流出:屏幕超大,价格超贵!

来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-31

导读:iPhone 7还没捂热,iPhone 8又来了,之前曾有报道说苹果公司今年将发售3部手机,其中最引人注目的就是iPhone 8,而据称iPhone 8将配备5.8英寸超大屏幕,价格也将超过1000美元。

iPhone 8最新情报流出:屏幕超大,价格超贵!

A new report has revealed that Apple plans to launch three handsets this year - two will be updates of the iPhone 7 family and the third is the 10th-anniversary handset.

据一份最新报告显示,苹果公司计划今年推出3部手机——其中两部将是iPhone 7系列最新版本,而另外一部则是iPhone 10周年纪念手机。

It is believed that the iPhone 8 will boast a massive 5.8-inch OLED display, but with smaller top and bottom bezels in order to shrink the size of the device.

据说iPhone 8会配备一个巨大的5.8英OLED屏幕,但是为了缩小手机尺寸,iPhone 8顶部和底部的边框会变窄。

Although the smartphone will have the largest display of any iPhone, rumors have suggested that it will also be the most expensive.

iPhone 8不但会成为有史以来屏幕最大的iPhone,有小道消息称这款手机的价格也将会是最贵的。

The new report comes from Nikkei Asian Review, which has revealed the upcoming iPhone will launch in three variants.

据《日经亚洲评论》发布的这份报告显示,即将发售的iPhone 8将有3种版本。

Two are set to have liquid crystal displays and the other will be designed with a 5.8-inch organic light-emitting diode (OLED) screen.


Earlier reports have suggested that the two other smartphones, known as the iPhone 7s and iPhone 7s Plus will be designed with 4.7-inch and 5.5-inch displays.

此前曾有报道称,其他两款手机——iPhone 7s和iPhone 7s Plus将分别搭载4.7英寸和5.5英寸的屏幕。

‘By adding more large-screen options to the lineup to meet grousing demand for BIG, Apple intends to raise the average iPhone price, which has already gone up by about 10% in the past three years to nearly $700,’ Nikkei reported.


Previous rumors have already identified an increase in price.


Earlier this month it was revealed by Fast Company that the so-called iPhone 8 will costs more than $1,000 (800 pounds) – making it the most expensive handset the firm has ever produced.

据知名商业杂志《快速公司》本月初发布的消息显示,所谓的iPhone 8售价可能会超过1000美元(约合800英镑)——使其成为苹果公司有史以来最贵的手机。

However, it is said that users will receive more cutting-edge technology and a sleeker design – a handset that is sure to impress.


In addition to costing users more, it is believed that Apple may not release the iPhone 8 until October.

而除了价格更贵以外,据说苹果公司可能要等到10月份才发布iPhone 8。

It is believed that the iPhone will not go into mass production until September, which has suggested that iOS users will not get their hands on one until October.

据说9月份时iPhone 8才会投入大量生产,也即是说果粉们要等到10月份才能入手最新的iPhone手机。

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