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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-29



Leo is 10 years old. For most of his life he’s lived as a girl, but this summer he began to speak openly about his sense that this didn’t feel quite right. With research help for his parents, he’s decided he is non-binary - in his case, both masculine and feminine - though for the moment he dresses as a boy and has taken a male name. This is Leo’s story in his own words.

Leo 是个十岁的孩子。他以前一直作为女孩生活,但是这个暑假他开始敞开心扉告诉别人他觉得事情有些不对劲。在他爸妈的帮助下,他们做了一些调查,他觉得他是“非二元”,他既不是男性也不是女性-虽然现在他像一个男生一样打扮,也起了一个男生的名字。Leo是这样讲述他自己的故事的。

I’m not a boy. I thought I was a boy, because I’m not entirely a girl. We tried that for a bit, and I thought: "No, this is not right." Then we did some research and we found the word is gender non-binary... and it really works, it’s just me.


I don’t know what age I was when I identified that I wasn’t feeling right. Actually I told my teacher first. I got really frustrated because I asked why none of the girls got boys’ parts in a play that we were doing. It wasn’t right. I pulled her over and said: "I’m not a girl."


She didn’t think I was lying. But because it’s not very common at all, I don’t think she entirely thought that was how I was feeling.


I brought up the conversation with mum. I knew that mum would be totally supportive, but because I didn’t know if this was actually how I was feeling, it felt like I should wait until I was sure. But then I didn’t think that would do any good either.


I was quite nervous. Mum was completely on board. Totally interested. "What would be your name if you were a boy? You’ve always been more attracted to boys, would you be gay man or a straight man?"


In some families, they’re just going to laugh, they’re not going to believe. Or they don’t know how to react, so they don’t react. I don’t how I would cope. So I’m really lucky. It’s so great that I have these two wonderful parents.


At school everyone was absolutely great. My teacher told the class, and all my friends were like: "Oh wow. That’s really interesting."Because we’re 10 and nine, it just doesn’t affect anything.


We just play, we don’t actually talk a lot about personal stuff. Me and one of my friends - who’s a girl - were playing in the sandpit. She was like: "So are you a boy?"


"No, I’m not a boy or a girl. I’m non-binary, so I’m in the middle." She said: "So you’re neither?" I actually don’t think I’m neither. I’m both. I really want to use the boys’ loos because it’s more right than using the girls. I’m not allowed to and I think I should be able to. I can understand because there are lots of older boys using the loos who might be a bit worried about someone (being there) who doesn’t have what they have.


I still feel that "he" doesn’t feel particularly right. I feel more right as "ze" or "they", but they draw attention to me and my gender when we’re trying to have a conversation about trousers. When I’m older, I’m going to make that decision again, instead of just sticking with "he".


There isn’t a body of the two genders. I just wish there was some way in the middle. When I grow up it’s going to be harder for me to say I’m not a girl. At the moment, I do wear a bra. But if I wear a sports shirt I can kind of get away with it.


Breasts are the main thing people notice. I do correct people when people use the word "boy" and "she". I say: "I’m sorry, I’m not a boy or a girl." And leave it at that. If they ask questions, I answer, but it doesn’t have to be the centre of attention. It’s not even the most interesting thing about me. I really like the idea of having a beard. I really like the idea.


You can put hair from your head into your chin, and it grows like a beard. People with girls’ bodies use it. My friend’s dad told me that it works. Maybe he made a mistake. If there was a way of doing that without getting hormone blockers and male hormones... but then again people would say: "Look at that MAN’S beard."


I don’t want people to associate me with one gender or another. But I know they will, I don’t think there is any way of escaping that. I’m feeling a lot happier than before. I’m feeling a lot more relaxed and I’m feeling able to talk about it without being all shy.


I don’t need people to understand. I just need people not to be rude.



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