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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-28



The 2016 presidential campaign has broken the mold in so many ways. Start with the first woman major-party nominee in Hillary Clinton and practically everything about Donald Trump’s candidacy. Now, add President Obama’s role as an attack dog.


At the Democratic National Convention last week, Mr. Obama launched a withering attack on the Republican nominee, accusing Trump of selling the American people short, cozying up to autocrats, and offering no solutions.In his choicest dig – a warning about “homegrown demagogues” – Obama alluded to the billionaire-turned-politician, but didn’t mention Trump by name.

在上周举行的民主党全国代表大会上,奥巴马先生对共和党候选人发起了猛烈攻击,指责特朗普卖空美国人民,取悦独裁者,并且没有提出任何解决办法。在他精心选择的讽刺中——一个关于“本土煽动者”的警告 ——奥巴马暗指百万富翁变成了政治家,但是奥巴马没有提到特朗普的名字。

This week, Obama became even more pointed. “I think the Republican nominee is unfit to serve as president,” he said flat out on Tuesday. Two days later, Obama warned the candidates that “if they want to be president, they got to start acting like president.” He used the plural “they,” but everyone knew who he was talking about.

本周,奥巴马变得更加直截了当。 “我认为共和党候选人不适合做总统,”他在周二直率地说。两天后,奥巴马警告总统候选人说“如果他们想做总统,他们得开始像总统一样做事。”他在这里用了复数“他们”,但是大家都知道他在说谁。

To some, Obama’s comments have been a welcome addition to the chorus, and an appropriate use of the presidential megaphone to warn against a potentially dire outcome in November: the election of someone who could pose a threat to American democracy. To others, Obama’s statements are inappropriate and demean the presidency.


Either way, scholars say, Obama’s thorough trashing of the opposing party’s presidential nominee is unique for the modern era, compared with how other recent presidents have handled the race for their succession.


“It is unprecedented certainly in post-World War II American history,” says Cal Jillson, a political scientist at Southern Methodist University in Dallas.

“这是二战后美国历史上前所未有的,”来自达拉斯南卫理公会大学的政治学家Cal Jillson说道。

Obama, too, has a personal reason to go after Trump: the billionaire’s persistent allegations that the president wasn’t born in the United States. But Obama’s critique of Trump doesn’t seem to stem largely from personal pique; it reflects Trump’s performance as a candidate over the past year, and widespread public doubts about Trump’s temperament and qualifications to be president.


Still, aside from Truman, historians don’t see many past retiring presidents working hard either to elect the nominee of their own party or defeat the other party’s candidate.


For Obama, not only are the full-throated attacks on Trump unprecedented for the modern era, so is the full embrace of Mrs. Clinton. In his convention address, Obama declared that “there has never been a man or a woman, not me, not Bill, nobody more qualified than Hillary Clinton to serve as president of the United States of America.”


Obama’s enthusiastic support for Clinton is the exception in modern presidential history. “Oddly enough, circumstances have often for one reason or another prevented a sitting president from actively campaigning for a successor,” says historian David Pietrusza.


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