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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-28



Advanced technology will auto-populate events schedule, results, medal tallies and more


Will also be used in The Post’s coverage of the U.S. election


The Washington Post will leverage artificial intelligence technology to report key information from the 2016 Rio Olympics, including results of medal events. “Heliograf,” which was developed in-house, automatically generates short multi-sentence updates for readers. These updates will appear in The Post’s live blog, on Twitter.


“Automated storytelling has the potential to transform The Post’s coverage. More stories, powered by data and machine learning, will lead to a dramatically more personal and customized news experience,” said Jeremy Gilbert, director of strategic initiatives at The Washington Post. “The Olympics are the perfect way to prove the potential of this technology. In 2014, the sports staff spent countless hours manually publishing event results. Heliograf will free up Post reporters and editors to add analysis, color from the scene and real insight to stories in ways only they can.”

《华盛顿邮报》集团行动方案负责人杰雷米·吉尔伯特(Jeremy Gilbert)表示,“机器人撰写新闻有望使《华盛顿邮报》转换新闻报道的方式。其以数据和机器学习作支持报道新闻,并将给我们带来超多的个人定制化新闻体验。此次里约奥运会是证明该项技术发展潜力的一次绝佳机会。2014年,我们体育部的员工耗费无数个小时,人工地来报道赛事结果。而Heliograf将解放我们的记者和编辑,帮助进行新闻分析,并以其自己的方式对画面、真实见解和报道进行润色。”

This is the initial iteration of Heliograf, which will continue to be developed by Post engineers to enhance storytelling for large-scale, data-driven coverage of major news events, including the U.S. election. This technology will also be able to process a combination of different data sources, like crime and real estate numbers, customize stories depending on individual user actions, and help look for anomalies in data to alert journalists to a potential story.


“Launching Heliograf is a natural next step for The Post’s use of machine learning,” said Sam Han, engineering director of data science at The Post. “The next challenge is to broaden the subjects covered, deepen the kind of analysis possible and identify potential stories for our newsroom.”


For the Olympics, Heliograf will automatically generate short, multi-sentence updates, provide readers with a daily schedule of events, results for medal events, top medal tallies, and alerts 15 minutes before the start of a medal event.


Heliograf is part of a suite of artificial intelligence tools which will be available through The Post’s publishing platform.



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