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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-28

BERLIN, April 26 (Xinhua) -- Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi said here Wednesday that as an all-round strategic partner of Germany, China was determined to fully support the country to host the G20 Summit in Hamburg, and enhance the Sino-German cooperation comprehensively in the G20 group.


Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (L) meets with German Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel in Berlin on Wednesday April 26, 2017. [Photo: Xinhua]

Wang, who came here to attend the Chinese-German Strategic Dialogue on Diplomatic and Security Affairs, made the remarks at a joint press conference with German Vice Chancellor and Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel.

He said the G20 Summit in Hamburg can inherit the achievements from the 2016 Hangzhou Summit in China, and continue facilitating the robust growth of the world economy in the future.

The G20 Summit in Hamburg comes at a time when new changes are seen in international politics and economy, said the Chinese minister, adding the Sino-German cooperation can inherit the past and forge ahead into the future.

By "inheriting the past," the Hamburg Summit and Hangzhou Summit can be connected "seamlessly," Wang said. China appreciated the German side for enabling the Hamburg Summit to have consistent and coherent topics and achievements with the Hangzhou Summit.

China would like to implement the achievements of the Hangzhou Summit together with Germany, and create favorable conditions for the success of the Hamburg Summit.

To "forge ahead into the future", Wang noted that China would like to communicate and coordinate closely with all parties, including Germany, to bring about newe consensus and achievement at the Hamburg Summit, speed up the transformation of G20 from a crisis response mechanism into a long-term governance one.

China hoped that the Hamburg Summit can deliver a clear signal for building an open world economy, safeguarding the free trade system, and promoting the globalization to develop toward a more fair and universally beneficial direction, Wang said.

China expects the Hamburg Summit to bring about new measures focusing on innovation-driven growth and structural reform, and to bring an impetus to the world economic growth, he added.

The minister said China also expects from the Hamburg Summit new consensus about implementing the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and helping developing countries, especially African countries, to get rid of poverty.

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