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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-02-28

Not only does billionaire Donald Trump not 'regret' questioning President Barack Obama's birth place, Trump now says there's 'a very good chance' president Obama pretended to be Kenyan in order to attract financial aid money in college.

'The Donald' got on the subject of Obama's background today after he was asked during the Q and A portion of a National Press Club luncheon if he regretted his past statements about the president's birthplace. 'Not even a little bit,' Trump said. 'I don't regret it.'

'Why would I regret it?' he asked amid applause from the audience.


Trump said there were three scenarios to explain Obama's past: 'Either it's fine, or he was born in Kenya, or in my opinion there's a very good chance he was born here, and said he was born in Kenya. Because if you were born in Kenya, you got into colleges, and you got aid,' Trump said.

Though many Americans have tired of Trump's quest to see Obama's personal records, Trump claims people on the street are still asking him to pursue the issue.

Several days before the 2012 presidential election, Trump announced that he was offering President Obama $5 million to put toward a charity in his home town, Chicago, Illinois, if he turned over his birth certificate, passport and college records.

Trump says he later increased that amount to $50 million, a number that was not reported in the media at the time, but Obama still wouldn't play ball.

Unlike Obama, Trump says he's all facts and no fiction. His hair? Totally real, Trump said on Tuesday. 'They attack my hair. It's mine,' Trump said during his speech while yanking on his head. 'Would anybody like to inspect?'

'They say you wear the worst hairpiece I've ever seen, what a horrible wig,' he continued, explaining that he's made it clear on Twitter that his hair is real, yet people keep claiming it's fake for some reason he said.

'You know it's funny, but when people wanna keep going, they keep going,' Trump noted.

The billionaire was less forthcoming about whether or not he has any big political plans for 2016.

'We’re going to see what happens in ‘16,' he said. 'If I don’t see the right person, I will do something in ’16.'


当天,特朗普在国家记者俱乐部亮相,当被问到是否对过去针对奥巴马出生地发表的一系列言论表示后悔时,特朗普称:“对此,我不感到一丁点儿后悔,我为什么要后悔呢?”他接着说,三种情况可以解释奥巴马的过去:第一,出生在美国,第二,出生在肯尼亚 ,第三,出生在美国,但是为了能进入美国大学,获得资金援助,便谎称出生在肯尼亚。








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