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为移民争权利 美国亚裔努力打破沉默

来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-26

As immigration activists gathered in Lower Manhattan on Friday afternoon, chanting in Spanish to denounce the Supreme Court deadlock that effectively shut down President Obama’s program of deportation relief, a group of eight advocates stood quietly in the back.


为移民争权利 美国亚裔努力打破沉默

They held hand-painted signs of protest. “We’re all immigrants,” one sign said in Chinese. “We want to see comprehensive immigration reform,” another said in Korean. Not so pithy, but present.


Asian immigrants and their advocates say they are used to being a minority within a minority at rallies such as these, and Friday’s gathering, organized by the immigration rights group Make the Road New York was no different. The small band from the MinKwon Center for Community Action, a predominately Korean advocacy group that also serves the Chinese community in Flushing, Queens, was but a fraction of the 100 protesters.

亚洲移民及其支持者表示,他们习惯于在此类集会活动中充当少数群体中的少数群体,在移民维权组织“纽约开路”(Make the Road New York)周五组织的这场活动上也是如此。在现场上百名抗议者中,来自韩裔主导的倡导组织社区行动民权中心(MinKwon Center for Community Action)的这几位只是一小部分。该组织也服务于皇后区法拉盛的华人群体。

“We have to take baby steps when it comes to voicing our own opinions,” said James Jeong, 21, who moved to Flushing from South Korea when he was 3. “For Asians, it’s very stigmatized to speak out at these rallies.”

“在发出自己的声音方面,我们必须一步步慢慢来,”现年21岁的詹姆斯·郑(James Jeong)说。他在3岁的时候从韩国来到法拉盛。“对亚洲人来说,在这些集会活动上大声讲话是比较丢人的事。”

He added: “I feel like our biggest enemies are not the system itself, but our own communities that ostracize our own members — you kind of do your own thing, stay under the shadows.”


Under the glaring noon sun in Foley Square on Friday, undocumented Hispanic families with small children in baby carriages joined union members with megaphones and longtime leaders from advocacy groups; many came in defiance of their lack of legal status.


In New York City, more than 220,000 immigrants would have been eligible for temporary protection from deportation under the president’s executive actions, which included a protection for parents with children who are American citizens or permanent residents. According to the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs, about 11 percent of those eligible were born in Korea or China.

在奥巴马总统采取的行政措施下,纽约有超过22万移民本可以获得短暂的保护,免于被驱逐出境。其中一项保护措施针对的是子女为美国公民或永久居民的移民。据纽约市长移民事务办公室(Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs)统计,适用于这项保护的人约有11%出生在韩国或中国。

“That brings up the question, why aren’t they all here?” Mr. Jeong said.


For Korean parents, being undocumented was a mark of shame, Mr. Jeong and the fellow MinKwon members explained.


“I grew up in that environment where you don’t tell other people your status, or something bad will happen to you,” Sangmin Na, 26, said.

“我就在那种环境里长大。你不会告诉别人你的身份,否则就会有不好的事发生,”现年26岁的罗尚民(Sangmin Na,音)说。

Mr. Na, a graduate of Hunter College, was a beneficiary of the 2012 program Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, which protected certain undocumented children who were brought to the United States by their parents; it remained unaffected by the Supreme Court’s decision this week. Mr. Jeong was also covered by the deferred action program, enabling him to graduate from City College of New York and land an engineering job that starts next week.

罗先生毕业于亨特学院(Hunter College),是2012年推出的“童年入境暂缓遣返程序”(Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals)的受益者。该项目保护幼年时期由父母带来美国的某些没有证件的移民;它不受最高法院本周裁决的影响。郑先生也受惠于这个项目,由此得以从纽约城市大学(City College of New York)毕业,找到了一份工程类工作,下周即将入职。

They came to the rally to show solidarity.


“It’s not just Latino struggles, it’s everybody’s struggles,” said Jung Rae Jang, 26, a community organizing fellow at MinKwon who came from South Korea at 15. One of the designated speakers at the rally, he urged his fellow immigrants to keep fighting for reform and to encourage others to vote.

“这不只是拉丁裔的斗争,是所有人的斗争,”民权中心的社区活动组织者张正来(Jung Rae Jang,音)说。他今年26岁,在15岁的时候从韩国来到美国。作为这场集会活动的指定发言人之一,他呼吁同为移民的人士继续为促成改革而斗争,呼吁他们鼓励其他人为之投票。

Mr. Jang said that he would like to organize more events in collaboration with the Hispanic community, but “language barriers are a problem,” he said.


But he also said that Asians did not seem to have been as affected by deportations as the Hispanic community, adding, “so it’s hard to relate in that aspect.”


Ester Rim, an intern at MinKwon, could, however, relate to the disappointment in the Supreme Court. Born in Brazil to Korean parents, she moved with her family to Queens when she was 4. Her parents, she said, would have been eligible to apply for administrative relief because her sister had become a permanent resident.

不过,民权中心的实习生埃斯特尔·林(Ester Rim)能体会最高法院的裁决带来的失望之情。她出生于巴西,父母是韩裔,在4岁的时候随他们移居到皇后区。她说父母原本有资格申请行政宽大,因为她的妹妹已经成了美国永久居民。

Ms. Rim, attending Macaulay Honors College at the City University of New York on a scholarship, did not even tell her parents about the possibility that they could have qualified. “I can’t even imagine how much heartbreak they would’ve gone through,” she said.

林女士得到了纽约城市大学的麦考利荣誉学院(Macaulay Honors College)的奖学金,正在那里就读。她甚至都没跟父母提及他们原本可能会有这种资格。“我无法想象他们会多么伤心,”她说。

On Friday, the activists who came to the rally proclaimed that they would continue to work for immigration reform. “A people united will never be defeated,” they shouted in Spanish, followed by the chant “Sí se puede” — Yes we can.

周五当天,来到集会现场的活动人士宣布,他们将继续为促成移民改革而努力。“团结起来的人永远不会被击败,”他们用西班牙语大喊,场下紧接着发出“Sí se puede”的呼声——是的,我们可以。

At the end, there was a spontaneous eruption of “Olé, olé, olé, olé!”

最后,现场同时爆发出“Olé, olé, olé, olé!”的欢呼声。

Mr. Jang said at the last rally he tried to coin a Korean cheer, a clunky chant that translated to: “Immigration Reform! Pass It!”


“I couldn’t really say it,” Mr. Na said of the Korean words.


“We just say ‘Olé,’ ” Namhee Kim, 20, said, laughing. “It’s the soccer cheer.”

“我们干脆喊了‘Olé’,”20岁的金南熙(Namhee Kim,音)笑着说。“这是足球场上的欢呼声。”

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