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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-26



While playing for the Boston Celtics, one of NBA star Ray Allen’s children was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. His wife Shannon began cooking healthy, natural meals at home, but being an overscheduled modern mother, shuttling five kids to soccer games and events, she quickly became frustrated with the lack of non-processed options available out on the road. In 2008, after consulting with experts from Harvard’s Business School and School of Public Health, she developed a business plan to open a healthy fast food restaurant with a drive-thru. Eight years later and after a trade to the Miami Heat, the Allens opened Grown two months ago, and the response has been overwhelming.

在为波士顿凯尔特人效力期间,NBA篮球明星之一 Ray Allen的孩子被诊断出患有1型糖尿病。他的妻子Shannon开始在家烹调健康,自然的食物,但是作为一个超负荷的现代母亲,往返与五个孩子的足球赛和活动间,她很快对在路边缺少快捷餐饮选择而不满。2008年,在咨询了哈佛商学院和公共健康学院的专家后,她策划了一个商业计划,开一家有外卖的健康快餐店。八年后,经过与迈阿密热火队的交易,Allens在两月前开了一家名为“长大成人”的店,反响热烈。

“I was cooking for a professional athlete for 20 years, and had a lot of help from expert trainers and nutritionists," says Shannon Allen. She got her friend Tara Mardigan, longtime nutritionist for the Boston Red Sox and author of Real Fit Kitchen to consult on the menu.

Shannon Allen说:“我为一个专业运动员烹饪了20年,获得了很多专业训练和营养学家的帮助。”她邀请她的朋友—迈阿密红狐队常年营养学家Tara Mardigan和《真味厨房》作者商议菜单。

Two more Florida locations are in the works, and Shannon, whose mission is to bring this kind of accessible wholesome food to fast-paced families everywhere, hopes to open more, ideally thousands more, coast to coast. She cooks, greets, serves and is in the restaurant almost daily. Ray, who retired a 10-time All Star, two-time NBA Champ and Olympic Gold Medalist, has been making sandwiches behind the counter and their kids have bussed tables at busy times. With an exceptionally friendly staff of 66, Grown has more help than almost any place its size, but is devoted to being fast — really fast — and has been slammed since opening, with lines daily out the door from 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., serving more than a thousand guests a day.


"I chose this location because it’s the busiest road in South Florida: 140,000 cars go by each day, and I always thought the busy mom would love it. My mission is making healthy, organic food easily accessible and affordable to busy people. Wholesome food can’t be a niche.”


Grown occupies a corner in one of many strip malls lining South Dixie Highway in South Miami, very close to the University of Miami campus. (They provide snacks three times a week to the school’s football team.) The Allens have converted a former Mexican eatery into an airy, high-ceilinged spot, its white tile walls covered with inspirational quotes by everyone from Oprah to Dr. Seuss, and outdoor seating can be merged with the indoor space by opening a glass paned garage door set in one wall. There is rustic wood barn board siding and flowers outside, while inside are pots of herbs, the restaurant name and logo in topiary, and a green plant tower climbing to the ceiling.


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