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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-26



ZANU-PF First Secretary President Mugabe yesterday criticized some Chinese businessmen for failing to deposit their cash into local banks and instead, smuggling it to their home country. He also rapped them for not bringing along their wives when working on projects that ran for several years, saying this could lead them to prey on local girls. President Mugabe said this while addressing members of the revolutionary party’s National Consultative Assembly at the Zanu-PF Headquarters yesterday. Failure to deposit daily takings has been cited as one of the causes of the prevailing cash shortages.


The President said it had been observed that most Chinese nationals leave behind their wives when coming for long-term projects, leaving people to wonder if they will be celibate.


He said Government would continue engaging Chinese authorities since the two countries enjoyed good bilateral relations to ensure that some of these issues were addressed.


He castigated financial institutions for steep bank charges and high interest rates. President Mugabe said he received a complaint last week from a corporate entity that was levied more than $200 in bank charges for depositing $350 000.


“If $350 000 has come into the account of a person and into your bank, you should give him interest because it increases your capacity to lend also. I think the banking system deserves to be looked into. We should look into it almost immediately,” said President Mugabe. He also castigated party cadres for trading insults and accusations though social media.


President Mugabe said by exchanging harsh words through hostile private media, they would be exposing themselves to ridicule by opposition parties. “Don’t blame us. Blame your people in the party who give us information. But why do we do that?” asked President Mugabe.


He said the First Family had been demonized with the First Lady being ascribed a faction each time she delivered a speech during political rallies. President Mugabe also rapped men who sexually abuse young girls, saying there was need for stiff sentences like castration.


He applauded Zanu-PF Youth League led by deputy secretary, Cde Kudzai Chipanga for conducting a successful One-million Man March last month. He urged them to continue respecting their elders. He said the votes of no confidence that saw several party officials being suspended were not procedurally done stressing that some of the allegations warranted people to be brought before a disciplinary hearing.

穆加比总统赞扬了非洲民族联盟-爱国阵线副书记Cde Kudzai Chipanga上个月组织的百万民众大游行。他要求人对长辈表示尊重。穆加贝总统说,那些要求对几位政党官员停职的不信任投票尚未完成程序,但保证在纪律听证会之前对部分控告予以调查。

President Mugabe reiterated his call for the Zimbabwe National Liberation War Veterans Association to be disciplined saying they had no right to determine who should succeed him particularly when it was being done outside the party.


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