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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-24



The 70-year-old Indian woman who have birth to her first child with her 79-year-old husband has returned home with her newborn son.


Daljinder Kaur and husband Mohinder Singh Gill have been married for 46 years, but were never able to conceive naturally, believing that they had been ’cursed by God’.

Daljinder Kaur和她丈夫Mohinder Singh Gill已经结婚46年,但一直没有孩子,他们认为,这是因为他们被诅咒了。

Last month, thanks to IVF treatment, Mrs Kaur gave birth to their son Armaan, making her the world’s oldest first-time mother


oday, Mrs Kaur and Mr Singh Gill returned to their home in Amritsar with Armaan, showing off their bundle of joy, saying that their life is now ’complete’.


Hitting out at critics, Mrs Kaur said she was not too old to become a first-time mother with husband, Mohinder Singh Gill, adding they were not worried about the future as ’God will take care of everything’.


Mrs Kaur underwent two years of IVF treatment at a fertility clinic in the northern state of Haryana, India before falling pregnant.The baby was conceived using the couple’s own egg and sperm, the news agency AFP reports.

怀孕之前,Mrs Kaur在哈里亚纳邦的一家诊所接受了为期两年的试管婴儿治疗。根据法新社的报道,这名婴儿的孕育使用了这对夫妇的卵子和精子。

He is now ’healthy and hearty’ after weighing just 4.4lb when he was born on April 19, said a statement released by the clinic, the National Fertility and Test Tube centre.


Mrs Kaur said the couple, who have been married for 46 years, had almost lost hope of ever having a child.She claims they had even faced ridicule in a country where infertility is sometimes seen as a curse from God.

Mrs Kaur说,她和她丈夫已经结婚46年,早就放弃了能有孩子的希望。她说,他们还因此受到嘲笑,因为在这里,不孕不育被认为是受到了上帝的诅咒。

She said: ’God heard our prayers. My life feels complete now. I am looking after the baby all by myself, I feel so full of energy.’My husband is also very caring and helps me as much as he can.


’When we saw the (IVF) advert, we thought we should also give it a try as I badly wanted to have a baby of my own,’ she said.


Doctors said Mrs Kaur had been infertile until now because her fallopian tubes were blocked, which had not been detected until she visited the clinic in 2013.


After two failed cycles of IVF, she finally conceived in July last year.


Her husband, who owns a farm outside Amritsar, said he was unfazed about their age, saying God would watch over their child.’People say what will happen to the child once we die. ’But I have full faith in God. God is omnipotent and omnipresent, he will take care of everything,’ he told AFP.


Dr Anurag Bishnoi, who runs the fertility clinic, said he was initially sceptical about going ahead with in vitro fertilisation (IVF), but tests showed Mrs Kaur was able to carry the unborn baby.

Anurag Bishnoi医生是治疗这对夫妇诊所的所有者,他表示,最开始对于这对夫妇进行试管婴儿治疗持怀疑态度,但检测显示Mrs Kaur能够怀孩子。

’I first tried to avoid the case because she looked very frail. Then we made her undergo all the tests and once all the results were okay we went ahead,’ the doctor told AFP.


This is the second case at the centre where a woman in her seventies has delivered successfully following IVF.In 2006, 70-year-old Rajo Devi gave birth to a baby girl from the same centre, making her the world’s oldest mother at the time.

这也是第二例妇女在70岁时,通过试管婴儿治疗,成功怀孕。在2006年,70岁的Rajo Devi在同一家生育中心成功产下一名女孩儿,这也使她成为世界上年龄最大的母亲。

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