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Expats in China: More opportunities in a safe environment

来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-02-28

By CGTN's Liu Yang and Li Yang

A growing number of expats have come to live in China over the last decade, many of whom have chosen to settle down in the country.

While more and more work opportunities are being created in China, the living environment in China is also improving.

At Wan Hui Kindergarten in Chengdu, Sichuan Province, teaching English is a fun way to make a living for expats Joshua and Andy.

With a bachelor degree in Classical Chinese, Josh first came to Beijing to continue his Chinese language studies at Beijing Normal University.

He eventually chose to live in Chengdu because of its safe environment, good work opportunities, as well as the relatively reasonable cost of living in the city.

Expats in China: More opportunities in a safe environment

Foreign teachers are playing with children ‍at Wan Hui Kindergarten in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. /CGTN Photo

“I learned not only Chinese culture and language, but also about myself. I think it is very important to spend your life in an environment where you are used to. China gives me a lot of opportunity to do that with very good standard of living. It is a no-brainer for me to stay in China right now,” said Joshua.

Andy meanwhile volunteers at the kindergarten, and also manages a soccer field in Chengdu with his wife for a living. He came to China just out of curiosity at first and originally only planned to stay for one or two years. But now, it has been 13 years for him in China.

Expats in China: More opportunities in a safe environmentCGTN Photo

Talking about the safe environment for children, Andy said that there is less crime in China. "I think in general the streets are safer, and in most Chinese cities that I have been to, I have never had any problems.”

“China is a very safe country, and most foreigners would tell you that, I feel infinitely safer here than I do back home. Not to say that back home is a dangerous place…I have never had problems here, in terms of security or safety," said Joshua.

According to the China 2016 Crime and Safety Report, Chengdu is generally safe compared to other urban areas of a similar size.

“We have deployed a great deal of personnel and financial support in public security management," said Gong Xiang, the deputy director of the South Station police Station of Wuhou District in Chengdu, who has years of experience managing public security in the area where most foreigners live.

"By strengthening the fight against crime and improving the surrounding environment, the district crime rate has been decreasing year by year. We asked for residential properties to provide bilingual property management personnel, in order to communicate well with foreign residents, and the police station also set up the position of foreign affairs police.”

Expats in China: More opportunities in a safe environment

CGTN Photo

Not only for Joshua and Andy, but also for many other expats in China, the safe environment is undoubtedly an important factor for them to treat China as their "second home."

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