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Remembering those killed in Brussels attacks

来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-22

We are learning more about the identities of those killed in the Brussels terror attacks. Their stories are harrowing. CCTV's Nathan King has more on the victims - and the survivors.

Belgium, China, France, Germany, Britain, Hungary, Portugal, Spain and the U.S.-over 40 countries in all.

Nations that lost citizens in the bombings have their flags draped behind this tribute in the center of Brussels.

China confirmed one of its citizens Deng Jing Quan died in the attacks...his English-speaking friends called him "Frank."

Among the first to be confirmed dead-37-year-old Peruvian Adelma Tapia Ruiz. Ms. Tapia was killed at the airport. Her Belgian husband, and their twin four-year-olds survived.

Also confirmed dead-Alexander Pinczowski and his sister Sasha, flying back to New York and on the phone with their mother when the bombs went off at the airport.

Devoted dad - British national David Dixon - texted relatives to say his was fine after the airport blasts - only to die in the Metro attack an hour later.

21 year-old Bart Migom - on his way to the U.S. see his girlfriend, Emily Eisenman, who has been holding out hope of seeing him again.

"These last two days have been something I never thought I would feel. I - it's been the worst days of my life. I just - I guess I didn't know how much one person can love another until - until you just don't know where they are at. I'm just hoping for a sign of some sort that he is okay," she said.

Bart Migom is now confirmed dead.

Yes, along harrowing stories of death, we've been hearing uplifting tales of survival. Witness this moment….

The parents of Mason Wells a missionary from Utah-badly burned and hit with shrapnel. He survived and is now reunited with his parents.

Though badly wounded, Mason expressed concern for other victims.

"I feel so bad I was so lucky, I was so lucky, being how close I was, and I saw a lot of people that were injured worse, I heard a lot of people that were injured badly卪y only thoughts, my only feelings are just for the people that are out there, that they're doing ok i've just wanted to pray for them, I've been praying for them since it happened. The only feeling I have is I hope they're ok because I'm very lucky and I know there are some who weren't as lucky as I was, being so close," Mason said.

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