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比利时布鲁塞尔机场、地铁爆炸 30多人死亡

来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-22

比利时布鲁塞尔机场、地铁爆炸 30多人死亡


The death toll from Tuesday's coordinated terrorist attacks in Brussels now stands at 35. More than 200 others are being treated for injuries after a series of explosions ripped through the Brussels airport and a metro station yesterday afternoon.

比利时布鲁塞尔机场、地铁爆炸 30多人死亡

Policemen stand guard near the Brussels airport in Brussels, Belgium, on March 22, 2016. At least 26 people were killed and 136 injured in explosions on Tuesday at Brussels airport and on a city subway train, according to the latest figures published by Belgian media. (Xinhua/Ye Pingfan)

"It has been extremely emotional, it is difficult to explain, but it is extremely emotional because first of all it is incredibly stressful because you realise that if you had been there just ten minutes earlier you would have possibly been one of those injured or even one of those killed."

Belgian Prime Minister Charles Michel has issued a statment, calling on the country to avoid falling into panic.

"I would really like to say in the strongest possible terms to those who have chosen to accept the barbaric enemies of liberty, democracy and fundamental values, to say to them that we will remain united and together, that we will stay fully mobilised, with today's profound sadness in our hearts and stomachs, but with a complete determination to act to protect our liberty and our way of life."

Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attacks.

Belgian authorities have so far detained 2 people.

Indications are at least 3 young men launched the attacks, two of whom were suicide bombers.

Video footage has been released showing the trio moving luggage through the airport in Brussels.

It remains unclear at this point whether the men were locally-based.

Security precautions have been implemented in airports, train stations and government buildings across Europe.

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