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Draft law bans using national anthem in ads, private funeral

来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-22

A draft law, unveiled on Thursday, said that the national anthem should not to be used in advertisements, trademarks and background music in public places.

The draft law on national anthem has been submitted to the bimonthly session of China's top legislative body, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, for the first reading now.

Draft law bans using national anthem in ads, private funeral

It also stipulates that the national anthem cannot be broadcast in private funerals.

Meanwhile, the draft clarifies seven situations in which the national anthem should be played.

For example, the anthem should be used at the opening and closing ceremony of the National People's Congress, as well as important sport and diplomatic events, it said.

China's national anthem, March of the Volunteers, was composed in 1935, with lyrics by poet Tian Han and music composed by Nie Er. The song encouraged Chinese soldiers and residents during the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression (1931-45). It was named as the national anthem in 1949.

The draft also says the official version of the national anthem should be disclosed on the website of the State Council.

The draft aims to improve people's respect and patriotism to the national anthem as well as to regulate how to play it, the legislature added.


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