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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-21

During the NPC session, nearly 3,000 deputies are gathering at the Great Hall of the People to put forward proposals that will affect the lives of 1.3 billion people.


This is a proposal from China's grassroots...It contains voices which speak for millions of rural residents - a social group which accounts for over 60 percent of China's population.

Newly elected NPC deputy Yu Huihuai will be their messenger.

"During my preparation for the proposals, I’ve found out the current system of rural land circulation has failed to allocate enough farmlands, taking into consideration the newborns," said Yu Huihuai, NPC deputy.

Among the 3,000 deputies at the NPC, deputies from the lowest level - county level or equivalent- are directly elected by their electorate. That means when the country's top decision makers are laying out details for rural developments, someone from the grassroots- like Deputy Yu - is needed.

"30 years ago, the tractor I'd bought with a loan kicked off agricultural mechanization in the villages. Today, our county has become a major grain producing base in the province, and now we have over 400 agricultural machineries," Yu said.

From 1 tractor to over 400 machineries, the story of Deputy Yu reflects the nation's rural development. And as a newly elected deputy, for the first time in 30 years he has the opportunity to be a part of the supreme organ of state power.

"I feel the more I learn about grassroots voices, the better opinions I can provide when examining the draft of the 13th Five-Year Plan at the NPC session," Yu said.

As the NPC deputies of the province are boarding the train to Beijing, they carry with them the ideas of the most down-to-earth minds.

From this platform, Deputy Yu and other provincial delegates are heading to Beijing for the two sessions, the following two-week meeting is a means to make their voices count.

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