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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-20

Most believe looks and personality play major roles when searching for a potential match, but a new dating app claims the key to finding your soul-mate is by their smell.


Smell Dating sends daters a t-shirt in the mail and instructs them to wear it for three days, send it back and they will receive 10 other shirts from other daters.

这个名为“Smell Dating”的软件会给每个报名参加活动的人邮寄一件T恤,并告知他们在穿着三天后寄回,随后,他们将收到另外十位报名者的T恤。

The next step of this matchmaking process requires users to take a whiff of each garment and pick the aroma that arouses them the most – all for just $25.


Unlike Tinder, eHarmony and all of the other dating sites, Smell Dating does not ask about your sexual preference, your gender, if you like long walks on the beach or if you're a vegetarian.

不同于Tinder、eHarmony和其他各种婚恋交友网站,Smell Dating不会询问你的性取向和性别,也不会问你是否喜欢在海滩漫步或是否素食主义者。

A phone number and mailing address are the only two things required to sign up for the service.


The only thing they will as of their clients is that they skip deodorant, perfume and showering for the 72 hours, as it masks a person's natural odor.

Smell Dating对客户唯一的要求便是客户在三天内不能使用防臭剂和香水,也不能洗澡,以免破坏自身的体味。

'It's about trusting subconscious intuition and not falling back on inevitable preconceptions and prejudices,' Tega Brain, co-founder of Smell Dating, told BuzzFeed News.

Smell Dating的合伙人泰加·布雷恩告诉BuzzFeed News的记者说:“这样做的目的是让人们信任自己潜意识的直觉,不受无法避免的先入之见和偏见的影响。”

'You can't control what you like the taste or smell of, you have to trust your sensory system.'


After you've sniffed your batch of potential suitors you will have the opportunity to choose the shirt you like.


If the owner of that shirt also picks yours, Smell Dating will send you both each other's phone numbers and communication can began.

如果该T恤的主人刚好也挑中了你的,那么Smell Dating会帮助你们交换手机号码,你们就可以开始交流了。

The 'mail odor dating service' is only available to 100 lucky singles living in the New York City area and they are taking signups as of this writing.


According to BuzzFeed News, 35 of the spots have already been filled.

据BuzzFeed News称,有35个报名点的名额已经报满了。

In his book, The Compatibility Gene, Professor Daniel Davis explains that there are human genes that may influence how attractive a person is to a potential partner.


The University of Manchester professor believes that suitable mates can smell that they have found a partner with an optimal genetic code.


The idea is based on the so-called smelly T-shirt experiment in which Swiss scientists Claus Wedekind studied the DNA of a group of students to look at their histocompatibility genes, The Guardian reports.


The researchers asked the male students to wear a T-shirt for two nights while avoiding anything that might alter their natural smell.


At the end of the two days, the shirts were put in boxes and the female students were asked to smell them and then rank the smell by intensity, pleasantness and sexiness.


This suggested that people are able to subconsciously choose a partner with whom they could have children with a genetic advantage.



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