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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-19



In the U.S., Ivanka Trump has become a controversial because of concerns about possible conflicts of interest. But in China, Ivanka has become a celebrated figure for her beauty, her positive attitude and hard work, her devotion to her family, and her devotion to promoting China-U.S. friendship and cooperation. Ivanka is U.S. President Donald Trump’s soft-power card, and playing that card is winning some hearts and minds in China.


Ivanka inspires many young Chinese. On Weibo, China’s equivalent of Twitter, there is even an online fan club dedicated to “Goddess Ivanka.” The online fan club has close to 13 thousand followers. One post shows a photo of Ivanka sitting between her father and Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the Oval Office Desk. In the comments section a Weibo user wrote, “Don’t become president, you’re a good princess.”


Trump’s soft-power card is charming China. A video of Ivanka’s daughter Arabella singing Chinese songs on the Internet went viral in China, attracting millions of views. Ivanka and her daughter came to the Chinese Embassy in Washington, D.C., to attend a Spring Festival celebration. At the Mar-a-Lago summit between Chinese President Xi Jinping and President Trump earlier this month, Ivanka’s daughter Arabella sang a traditional Chinese song, Mo Li Hua, and recited poetry for President Xi and his wife. It was another viral hit.


Just days ago, China’s Foreign Ministry weighed in on Ivanka’s effective charm offensive in response to a question about how China views her role in promoting relations between the two countries. “We think highly of all people…who devote themselves to promoting China-US friendship and cooperation, and we highly appreciate their efforts in this regard,” the spokesperson said.


On Weibo, The Global Times posted a man-on-the-street interview about Ivanka’s fashion line coming to China. “Here’s what Beijingers have to say about Ivanka wanting to come to China to sell her clothes,” the title reads. The video was filmed at the trendy Sanlitun Village, a major fashion hub in Beijing. One young woman said Ivanka has an excellent business mind, and some thought that the brand would be popular in Sanlitun. But one young man tied the success of the brand to her father. “It all depends on Donald Trump,” he said.

在微博上,《环球时报》贴出了一份街访视频,就伊万卡时尚品牌进入中国一事进行了采访。帖子题目为《这就是北京人对伊万卡来中国卖衣服想要说的话》。这份视频拍摄于北京的时尚中心三里屯。一名年轻女子表示称,伊万卡有很好 的商业头脑,而其他一些人则认为这个品牌会在三里屯很受欢迎。但是一名年轻男子将这个品牌成功与否和伊万卡的父亲联系了起来。他说道:“这一切都取决于川普。”

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