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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-02-27


Chinese ambassadors comment on Abe's Shrine visit


Outrage continues to grow over Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's visit to the Yasukuni shrine on December the 26th last year. China's ambassadors to the United States and Russia have voiced some of the concerns over the visit in articles that have appeared in US and Russian media. Chinese ambassador to the US Cui Tiankai says Abe’s visit is a dangerous tribute and mirrors the unrepentant view of Japan’s wartime aggression. Meanwhile, Chinese ambassador to Russia says his move worries its neighbors.

Condemning Abe’s shrine visit.

In an opinion piece published in The Washington Post, China’s ambassador to the United States Cui Tiankai says Abe’s homage disturbs people in China and much of Asia.

Cui said the dispute over Abe’s visit to the shrine is about more than just symbolism. It reveals his real plans for Japan’s future and casts doubt upon his willingness to build an atmosphere of trust, respect and equality in East Asia.

On December the 26th last year, Abe visited the shrine that honors Japan’s war dead including 14 Class-A convicted war criminals of WWII.

Cui Tiankai, who was also once China’s ambassador to Japan, said Abe’s action closed the door for Japan’s dialogue with its neighbours.

He urged Japanese leaders to listen to their neighbors and abandon the confrontational rhetoric, so that Japan can join other countries in building prosperity and stability for Asia.

Meanwhile, on Friday, Russia’s Interfax news agency also published an article by China’s ambassador to Russia Li Hui, urging Japan to face up to history.

Li said Abe’s visit is not an issue of domestic politics nor an individual issue. It is a matter of principle that affects its relations with neighbors and the international community.

He also said his move would take Japan in a dangerous direction and become a big trouble maker in Asia.

He stressed China and Russia, allies during World War Two will oppose any remarks by Japan to challenge the post war international order and join hands in safeguarding regional stability and world peace.


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