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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-02-27

Driving through the dusty street of Beijing’s southern depot, the air is heavy with grumbling.



"Business is no good," says Liu, a wizened driver from Henan province. “I’ve got rent to pay, a kid in college, and I can hardly find work.” Diesel prices have soared, he complains, but “our revenue hasn’t gone up one bit”.


A strike by truck drivers at Shanghai’s port led to pitched battles with security forces last week, illustrating just how volatile the politics of high fuel prices can be in China. Operations at what is, by some measures, the world’s largest port appeared to be returning to normal on Sunday evening after the Shanghai city government ordered authorities to cut fees and reduce road tolls in a bid to get drivers back to work.


But the complaints of Shanghai’s truck drivers as they slowly return to work are being echoed across the country as high fuel prices cut into profit margins for China’s independent truckers.


China’s transportation sector is struggling to cope after the government raised fuel prices twice this year in response to increasing global oil prices.


Trucking is big business in China, with road freight revenues amounting to $129.7bn last year, according to research from Datamonitor. And for young men from the countryside, buying a truck to tap into that sector is a big step up the economic ladder.


But while almost everyone else in China has seen their incomes increase in recent years, truckers have experienced the reverse, with fuel price rises the main reason for that.


State-set diesel prices are at historic highs, with China’s diesel price now more than 30 percent above its 2008 peak due to recent reforms. For independent truckers, their vehicles have become a burden.


"We have no way out, and that’s the truth,” Mr Liu says. He has tried selling the truck he bought for Rmb30,000 ($4,600), roughly three years’ salary, after working on construction sites for 20 years, so he can try his hand at something else. But he has not been able to find a buyer.


In Shanghai, drivers tell similar stories of hardship. “Most of us live in small communal rooms with our families,” said a truck driver in Shanghai’s Baoshan port. “There are no kitchens, no bathrooms.”


A driver there can earn Rmb70,000 to Rmb80,000 a year, excluding maintenance and living costs, he says, but most of this is eaten up by freight agents and management companies. “The logistics companies give us the same pay today as they did several years ago when diesel was just Rmb4 a litre,” he says. Diesel now costs twice that amount.


One problem is that there are so many independent truckers in China that each feels they will lose business if they raise their prices even slightly. That overcapacity also makes clan ties and provincial origins particularly important in determining who gets work, and several trucking groups in the Shanghai ports are organised around provincial delineations.


Truckers are not the only ones to be hit by high oil prices, part of the reason authorities were so swift to stifle any news of the strikes and violence in Shanghai. Taxi drivers have also been complaining loudly. Two weeks ago Beijing doubled the fuel surcharge for long trips in a bid to appease taxi drivers’ complaints.


Chinese taxi drivers have historically been relatively quick to organise. In late 2008 a strike by taxi drivers in Chongqing inspired similar actions in Guangzhou, Sanya, Shantou and other cities. Earlier this year, cabbies in Zhengzhou briefly went on strike to protest against a new overtime rule.


"Besides manufacturing and industrial workers, taxi drivers are the ones who have the biggest record of having gone on strike in recent years," says Andrew Gilholm, Shanghai-based analyst at Control Risks, a consultancy. “Often it has been about fees as much as fuel prices. But because of their unusual position in terms of being able to co- ordinate and disrupt, they are a bit of a special case.”

“除了制造业和产业工人,出租车司机是近年来罢工次数最多的群体,”咨询机构“控制风险”(Control Risks)驻上海分析师安德鲁?吉洛姆(Andrew Gilholm)说。“他们罢工往往是因为收费或燃油价格。但由于他们在协作能力强、可以打乱秩序,这个群体有些特殊。”


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