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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-02-27

Former Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew said the U.S. needs to put its fiscal house in order to recover its competitiveness and suggested U.S. President Barack Obama would improve both his re-election chances and U.S. standing in Asia if he finds a way to work with Republicans and "tackles this problem."

新加坡前总理李光耀(Lee Kuan Yew)说,美国要恢复竞争力,就得解决好自己的财政问题。他还暗示,美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)如果能想出与共和党合作的办法并“处理好这个问题”,不仅会增加自己获得连任的机会,还会提升美国在亚洲的地位。


The 87-year-old founder of modern Singapore also said in a rare interview with The Wall Street Journal that he thought opposition leaders would pick up some seats in a planned election there early next month in a vote that analysts believe could be one of the most competitive in Singapore's history.

Reuters新加坡前总理李光耀(Lee Kuan Yew)现代新加坡国父、现年87岁的李光耀难得地接受了《华尔街日报》的采访。采访期间他还说,在新加坡按计划于下月上旬举行的选举中,他认为反对党领袖将会获得一定的席位。分析人士相信,这次选举将成为新加坡历史上竞争最激烈的选举之一。

Singapore, one of the most important financial centers in Asia, has been an important ally of the U.S. -- although the wealthy city-state has also taken pains to stay on good terms with other Asian powers such as China, especially as trade with those countries has grown. Still, Mr. Lee said it was in the world's interests for the U.S. to remain a pre-eminent power and fully recover from its recent economic troubles, so that it can help preserve the balance of power world-wide.


Casually dressed but formal in manner, Mr. Lee was clearly concerned about the prospect of a diminished U.S. global role, politically and financially, arguing that its international influence had been a cornerstone of Asia's rapid economic rise. His answers, delivered with a robustness that was in contrast to a somewhat frail physique, revealed a close interest in the ebb and flow of policy debates in Washington.


"The world has developed because of the stability America established," he said. "If that stability is rocked, we are going to have a different situation," he said.


Mr. Lee said he thinks a "challenge may come gradually from China," but he doubts China and the U.S. will come into serious conflict anytime soon. China needs American markets, American investments and American technology, and won't want to "upset the apple cart," he said. "While there will be keen competition, I do not see conflict."


The world faces other risks, though, including a Japan weakened by natural disasters and a turbulent Middle East, where the U.S. may be the only military that has the power to play a decisive role in settling conflicts in places such as Libya. "France has taken the lead but they do not have the equipment to settle the issue militarily," he said.


Despite Singapore's outsize success and reputation for transparency and efficiency, Mr. Lee has drawn criticism from human-rights groups and civil-society organizations over the years for cultivating a top-down management style that critics say limits the freedom of the press and suppresses dissent. Freedom House, a Washington-based advocacy group, last year ranked Singapore 151st in the world in press freedom, behind Liberia and Iraq.

尽管新加坡取得了巨大的成功、赢得了透明高效的声誉,多年来,李光耀却因培养一种自上而下的管理风格而受到人权组织和公民社会组织的批评,批评人士说这样的管理风格限制了新闻自由、压制了不同意见。去年,华盛顿维权组织自由之家(Freedom House)在全球新闻自由度排行中,将新加坡排在了第151位,在利比里亚和伊拉克之后。

Mr. Lee has dismissed the critics by pointing to Singapore's rise as an economic power in an unstable region and by saying that Western-style democracy isn't appropriate for all countries. He has said freedom of the press sometimes must be subordinated to the needs of nation-building.


In his interview, Mr. Lee said the growth of China and India would help bolster Singapore, as it lifts economies across the region. "We are at the crossroads between the two giants. You've got to pass Singapore to go from the Indian Ocean into the Pacific," he said.


As for the U.S., Mr. Lee said he was confident it would remain strong in the long run, but it faces serious problems, including "budget deficits, debts, [and] high unemployment figures' that have 'lingered on over several administrations."


"My impression is that presidents do not get re-elected if they give a hard dose of medicine to their people," he said. "So, there is a tendency to procrastinate, to postpone unpopular policies in order to win elections. So the problems have been carried forward."


U.S. President Obama "knows he has got this responsibility but he has got to tussle with the Republicans," he added. "I believe if he tackles this problem, it will improve his chances of re-election. There must be enough reasonable and thinking Americans who know that this is the only way forward to recover their competitiveness."


Mr. Lee played down the risk of major conflicts between the U.S. and China. "I do not have a crystal ball but I would say for 10, 20, 30 years, it is not in the interests of China to have other than stable relations with America, growing exports to America, imports of American technology, investments from America and sending students to America to learn." He said, it helps that the U.S. is sending more students to China, which should help improve America's understanding of the country.


"Why should [Westerners] fear China?" he asked. Despite China's and India's impressive growth, "I believe the Americans will always have the advantage because of their all-embracive society, and the English language that makes it easy to attract foreign talent."



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