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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-02-27

China aspires to play a greater role in Australia's economy, a top Chinese leader said Tuesday, signaling Beijing's aspirations for its companies to make inroads beyond simply extracting resources.



Speaking alongside Australian Prime Minister Julia Gillard at an Australia-China business forum, Vice Premier Li Keqiang said Chinese companies could play an important role in the construction of Australian infrastructure, and that energy and resource cooperation between the two countries needs to go beyond "buying and selling" and involve more research and development, and investment.

在和澳大利亚总理吉拉德(Julia Gillard)一同出席中澳经贸合作论坛并致辞时,中国国务院副总理李克强说,中国企业可以在澳大利亚的基础设施建设中发挥重要作用,并说中澳两国之间在能源和资源领域的合作应超越简单的买卖关系,将研发和投资等形式结合进来。

China's state-owned firms have been expanding aggressively overseas in recent years, snapping up mining and energy resources around the globe to help fuel the country's breakneck economic growth.


Its construction companies and equipment manufacturers also have built up a presence overseas, predominately in developing countries where, backed by cheap funding from Chinese banks, they are building much needed infrastructure in record time.


China now appears to be eying developed markets, where many countries also urgently need new infrastructure, but where the quality of Chinese workmanship is often regarded as suspect.


"We would encourage capable and responsible Chinese companies to take part in Australia's" construction sector, said Mr. Li, seemingly addressing such concerns. He said areas where Chinese concerns could play a roll include port and rail construction, the Australian government's planned rollout of a national broadband network and post-disaster reconstruction. Australia suffered major cyclone and flood damage earlier this year.


Australia also is in dire need of key transport infrastructure, with the existing network unable to cope with the rapid increase in export demand for the country's mineral resources.


In the 2010 financial year, Australia exported 46.55 billion Australian dollars (US$48.6 billion) worth of goods to China, more than nine times the amount a decade ago. Iron ore makes up more than half of that figure and is up more than 25 times in the decade.


Ms. Gillard said she discussed infrastructure development in Australia during her meeting with Chinese Premier Wen Jiabao earlier in the day.


Chinese construction firms have already started testing the waters in developed economies. Huawei Technologies Co. and ZTE Corp., China's flagship telecommunication-hardware companies, have blazed a trail, with Huawei already having a significant presence in Australia.

中国的施工企业已经开始试水发达经济体市场。中国最大的两家电信设备制造商华为技术有限公司(Huawei Technologies Co.,简称:华为)和中兴通讯股份有限公司(ZTE Corp.)都已经走出了一条新路。华为在澳洲的业务已经做的很大。

Still, overseas investment hasn't always been smooth sailing. U.S. concerns about Huawei's military background and opaque corporate governance have made it difficult to break into that market. In Australia, domestic political opposition to a wave of Chinese investment emerged in 2009. Australians remain uneasy, with a poll by the Sydney-based Lowy Institute for International Policy showing 57% of respondents think the government has been allowing too much Chinese investment into the country.

尽管如此,中国企业的海外投资并不总是一帆风顺。对华为军方背景和不透明的公司治理的担忧令华为难以打入美国市场。在澳大利亚国内,2009年也出现了一股政治上反对中国投资的浪潮。澳大利亚人也充满了焦虑。悉尼的罗维国际政策研究所(Lowy Institute for International Policy)展开的民调显示,57%的受访者认为一直以来政府允许过多的中国投资进入澳大利亚。

In his speech, Mr. Li. called for an "open and nondiscriminatory [policy] for all China's companies investing in Australia, including state-owned enterprises."


Despite Australia's need for infrastructure, China's involvement in the sector may still face some roadblocks. Chinese construction companies operating in the developing world often bring in their own labor, causing tension in the local communities in which they operate.


Speaking earlier in the day at the same forum, Shen Heting, vice president of China metallurgical Group Corp., one of the country's major mining companies, said he'd like it to be easier for skilled Chinese workers in the construction sector to be granted visas to work in Australia.


"I'd like to call on the Australian government to reverse the English requirement for skilled workers from China," he said.


Mr. Shen said that Western Australia's Pilbara region, the epicenter of Australia's iron-ore boom is in dire need of labor, and Chinese workers would require less than the high wages being offered to attract employees to one of Australia'remote areas.



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