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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-02-27

Despite already having tough laws against drunk driving, China's leaders are now considering whether to make the penalty for drinking and driving even stiffer. Doug Kanter/Bloomberg



Under current rules, intoxicated drivers with blood-alcohol concentrations between 0.02% and 0.08% (20-80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 milliliters of blood) , are penalized with license suspensions of three to six months and fines of up to 500 yuan, or roughly $77. People caught driving with blood-alcohol levels of 0.08% and above the most common standard for drunk driving in the U.S. -- can be detained for up to 15 days and fined up to 2000 yuan.


According to a report in the state-run China Daily, legislators in Beijing are debating a new law that would up the maximum fine for drunk driving to 5,000 yuan, or nearly $770, and allow authorities to revoke the offender's license for up to 10 years.

据中国官方英文报纸《中国日报》(China Daily)的报道,中国立法者正在讨论是否要出台新法,将对醉驾司机的最高罚金提高至5,000元(近770美元),并允许有关当局吊销肇事者驾驶证的时间长达10年。

The report does not say when lawmakers will announce a final decision.


Consideration of the new law comes as the number of cars in China has exploded. By the end of 2010, there were more than 200 million cars plying China's roads, with another 20 million more expected to be added this year, China Daily reports.

Cara Anna/Associated Press在这张2010年10月29日拍摄的照片中,陈广乾在河北省保定市一家旅馆展示女儿陈晓凤的照片.陈晓凤在一起交通肇事逃逸事故中丧命.这起案件在数月之内成为全国舆论热点,因为据报导称,意欲逃离的驾驶员在遭到现场目击者阻拦后大喊“我爸是李刚”.而李刚正是保定市北市区公安局副局长.立法者是在中国汽车保有量出现爆炸性增长时考虑出台新法的。《中国日报》报道称,截至2010年底,中国机动车保有量已突破2亿辆,预计今年还将再增加2,000万辆。

With the increase in cars, the number of drunk drivers has also been on the rise. Police caught 526,000 boozing cruisers in 2010, up 68% from the year earlier, according to the Ministry of Public Security.


After doing little to address the problem in the early years of the car boom, China has recently begun to put its foot down on drunk driving. In 2009, Chinese courts handed the death sentence to a 30-year-old company executive who killed four people and injured one more while driving drunk in the western city of Chengdu. The man, Sun Weiming, appealed the decision and was resentenced to life in prison.


Despite such penalties, drunk driving continues to be a problem. The China Daily reports that 65,000 people were killed in traffic accidents last year. It does not specify the number of deaths caused by drunk driving.


One of China's most infamous drunk-driving incidents occurred last October, when 23-year-old Li Qiming killed a college student while driving under the influence. Mr. Li was cruising around the Hebei University campus when he struck two roller-skating students with his Volkswagen sedan, killing one of them. Mr. Li, whose father, Li Gang, was a deputy chief of a district police bureau, drove on. He was later stopped by university guards, to whom he shouted: "Charge me if you dare. My father is Li Gang." That line soon became catchphrase for abuse of power as the case sparked widespread outrage online.


To the consternation of many, Li Qiming was eventually convicted of "causing traffic casualties," a light charge carrying a maximum sentence of seven years behind bars,


Alcohol companies that operate in China are becoming increasingly aware of the problem. The world's biggest brewer Anheuser-Busch InBev is reviving next week an advertising campaign it launched in 2010, reminding China's Budweiser drinkers to tap a designated driver when planning to imbibe out on the town.

在中国经营的酒类企业开始越来越意识到醉驾问题。全球最大的啤酒公司安海斯-布希公司(Anheuser-Busch InBev) 2010年打出的一部广告将于下周再次播出,提醒那些喝百威啤酒(Budweiser)的中国人,当他们准备在城里开怀痛饮时,别忘了找一个“友情代驾”,送大家回家。

The ad features Chinese comedian Eason Chan in a loud bar, attempting to tell his friend that he can't drink because he's driving. He gestures as though he's driving and it catches on as a dance in the bar.

这则广告由香港歌手陈奕迅(Eason Chan)出演。他在一个吵闹的酒吧里,试图用动作告诉友人,今天不能喝酒,因为他要开车。这个动作引起了酒吧众人的纷纷效仿,大家跟着他舞动起来。


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