Major employers including the NHS, BBC and civil service will consider young people's job applications without looking at their names in a bid to end race discrimination.
Private sector giants including HSBC, Virgin Money and Deloitte have also signed the new pledge to make most job applications 'name-blind'.
汇丰银行(HSBC)、维珍理财(Virgin Money)和德勤(Deloitte)等私营企业巨头也签署了这一不看职位申请表上的名字的承诺。
It comes after David Cameron warned in his Tory conference speech that young people with foreign-sounding names sometimes struggle to get job interviews, regardless of their credentials.
此前,英国首相戴维•卡梅伦(David Cameron)在保守党大会讲话中提醒称,有时候,不管能力如何,年轻人会因为名字听起来像外国人而难以得到求职面试的机会。

"I said in my conference speech that I want us to end discrimination and finish the fight for real equality in our country," the PM said.
"Today we are delivering on that commitment and extending opportunity to all."
For most firms the pledge will apply to all new jobs at an apprenticeship or graduate level.
The Government will go further and apply it to all civil service roles below senior level.
Civil service chief John Manzoni said: "It's vital the Civil Service takes a lead on this, and I'm confident that this important step will help us build an organisation that is even more talented, diverse and effective than it is today."
公务员局局长约翰·曼佐尼(John Manzoni)说:“政府机构发挥先锋带头作用至关重要。我相信这一重要举措将帮助我们建立一个比现在更有才能、更多样化、更有效的组织。”
apprenticeship: 见习