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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-18



Victoria Graham, a 22-year-old student from Manchester in the US state of Maryland, had an untraditional journey into the glitzy world of US beauty pageants.She may look like any other contestant at first glance, but Victoria suffers from Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) - a rare genetic condition that affects her connective tissues.

Victoria Graham是美国马里兰州曼彻斯特的一名22岁学生,参加过美国的选美大赛。起初,她看起来与其他选手似乎别无二致,但是其实Viatoria患有一种影响她结缔组织的罕见遗传症——艾勒斯 - 达洛斯 综合症(EDS)

Recalling her first competition, she says: "I walked into orientation in a neck-brace, surrounded by all of these gorgeous sky-tall women.I looked to my Dad and asked ’What in the world am I doing here?’... It was comical."


Victoria wasn’t always so open about her condition. "Until I left school at 19, I hid my illness from others," she says."I would rather have my legs dislocate than someone see me in a knee brace."But she’s since realised that speaking out makes her feel empowered - and enables her to help others in the same situation.


Victoria grew up practising gymnastics and was told she was "too flexible" by her coaches.She became aware something was really wrong after a gymnastics accident when she was 10."I’d get injuries that weren’t normal - things weren’t adding up," she says.


EDS is notoriously difficult to diagnose, and she spent three years seeing different specialists, trying to pin down the problem.Eventually her family found a geneticist who gave her a diagnosis aged 13.


“It was weird because although there’s no treatment and no cure, we were ecstatic because we finally had a name for what was going on,” she says.


It then became apparent that Victoria’s condition was inherited - only then did her mother, brother and other family members find out they also had lesser forms of EDS.


"My grandmother lived with EDS for nearly 70 years without knowing and my Mom had it 40 years.Nobody should have to live that long before finding out what’s going on with them," she says.


Over a two-year period from 2014, Victoria had to undergo 10 operations on her brain and spine.


Victoria’s EDS affects a lot of aspects of her body, including blood flow.She says she has to take 20-25 tablets every two hours. Some are for pain relief, but others are supplements to ensure her body keeps functioning correctly.


Despite the severity of her condition, Victoria finds herself often dismissed and discriminated against because of the invisible nature of her illness.


At school she consistently struggled with teachers’ unwillingness to make accommodations. And she says she often gets shouted at in public for using a disability parking pass.


As part of her efforts to raise awareness and educate people, Victoria now performs a monologue about her condition at pageant competitions.She says she entered her first competition as part of a ’bucket list’ deal with a friend after an operatio.


She won her first local title just months later and now holds Miss Frostburg - a local title within the Miss America Organization.


Through this platform she has been able to meet and support young EDS sufferers.


“Its not always easy, sometimes you want to be normal - you don’t want to be that girl with those scars on stage,” she says.


Despite being only 22, Victoria now runs her own non-profit EDS support group called ’The Zebra Network’.

尽管Victoria只有22岁,她现在已经运行着她自己的非营利性EDS支持组织‘The Zebra Network’。

"I was seeing people who were struggling - doctors were often recommended through word of mouth.I saw a dire need for a network of sufferers and for someone to dedicate their life to that "she says."I know I’m young and its a bold decision to make without a college degree - but if someone else wasn’t doing it, I would be that someone."


She explains the network’s name: "In medical school, doctors are trained to think of the common thing when diagnosing through the phrase, ’When you hear hoofbeats, think of horses not zebras.’So if a kid has runny nose or a cough they most likely have a cold rather than a rare form of cancer. But those rare things do happen and are often called ’medical zebras’.So we say, ’Think zebras, because zebras do exist’."

她解释了她的网络组织的名称:“在医学院,医生在通过简单询问病症进行诊断时,会经常认为是常见的简单的疾病,‘当你听到蹄声时,想到的是马不是斑马。’同样,如果一个孩子流鼻涕或咳嗽, 看起来像患有感冒,而不是罕见的癌症。但是这些罕见的事情确实会发生,通常被称为‘医学斑马’。所以我们说,‘想想斑马,因为斑马确实存在’。”

Despite her confidence now, its been a fraught journey to this point for Victoria.


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