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日本防相参拜靖国神社 激怒中韩

来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-18

Japan war shrine visit angers China and South Korea

Japan’s defence minister has infuriated China and South Korea by visiting the controversial Yasukuni shrine in Tokyo, just one day after joining Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on a historic trip to Pearl Harbor. 日本防卫大臣在东京参拜了有争议的靖国神社,激怒了中国和韩国。就在一天前,这位保守派政界人士随同首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)对珍珠港(Pearl Harbor)进行历史性访问。

It was Tomomi Inada’s first visit to the shrine — which commemorates Japan’s war dead, including its war criminals — since the conservative politician became defence minister in August. 这是稻田朋美(Tomomi Inada) 8月出任防卫大臣以来首次参拜靖国神社,后者是供奉包括战犯在内的日本战争亡魂的场所。

日本防相参拜靖国神社 激怒中韩

Her visit is likely to fuel doubts about the sincerity of Mr Abe’s diplomacy related to Japan’s second world war history, and highlights his focus on reconciliation with the US rather than his nation’s Asian neighbours. 她的此举可能会引起外界质疑安倍与日本二战历史有关的外交活动的真诚度,并突显他的重点是与美国和解、而非与日本的亚洲邻国和解。

“The countries that fought each other most fiercely, Japan and the US, are now the strongest of allies,” Ms Inada told reporters. “Looking to the future, I visited the shrine in the hope of building a solid peace between Japan and the world.” “那些曾经彼此最激烈作战的国家——日本和美国——现在是最坚定的盟友,”稻田朋美向记者们表示,“展望未来,我参拜靖国神社是希望在日本和世界之间打造坚实的和平。”

Japan’s neighbours regard Yasukuni as a symbol of Japanese militarism and a reminder of its wartime atrocities. Casualties in the war between Japan and China were vastly greater than those in its war with the US. 日本的邻国把靖国神社视为日本军国主义的象征,令人回想起日本的战时暴行。日本侵华战争的伤亡人数远大于日本与美国战争的伤亡人数。

“We express our strong discontent and objection to her act,” said the Chinese defence ministry. It said that at Pearl Harbor in Hawaii, Mr Abe “did not show any sense of remorse or regret” about what Japan did in the war. “History is a mirror. only when we face history honestly can we really have a future.” “中方对日本防卫大臣稻田朋美参拜靖国神社表示坚决反对,”中国国防部表示。该部称,在夏威夷珍珠港,安倍对日本在二战中的所作所为“并未表示出任何悔意和遗憾”。“历史是面镜子。只有当我们真诚面对历史时,我们才能真正拥有未来。”

South Korea’s foreign ministry said it could not “help but deplore the fact that a Japanese responsible politician paid tribute today to the Yasukuni shrine, which glorifies Japan's past colonial rule and war of aggression and enshrines war criminals”. 韩国外交部称,它“不得不强烈谴责日本一位担任要职的政客今天参拜靖国神社的行为,此举美化了日本过去的殖民统治、侵略战争和战犯”。



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