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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-17



The Silk Road Economic Belt Media Cooperation Forum was held on July 2 at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing. It aimed to devise ways to revitalize the Silk Road by deepening mutually-beneficial cooperation, publicize the Silk Road by promoting media communication and coordination, and rejuvenate the Silk Road by encouraging interregional development.


Li Haifeng, Vice Chairperson of the 12th National Committee of CPPCC, makes a keynote

speech at the opening ceremony of Silk Road Economic Belt Media Cooperation

Forum on July 2, 2014, in Beijing. (CCTV.com / Bai Yang)

Nearly 100 delegates, including high level officials, diplomatic envoys and mainstream media members from more than 10 countries along the Silk Road attended the forum, which was themed “More Cooperation, More Development.” There was consensus among the attendees that the strategic decision to develop Silk Road Economic Belt is a great chance for cooperation and communication.

Li Haifeng, Vice Chairperson of the 12th National Committee of CPPCC, said: “President Xi made a keynote speech at Nazarbayev University in Kazakhstan on September 7, 2013. He advocated more policy communication, transportation connection, trade cooperation, currency circulation and people’s consociation for efforts to develop the Silk Road Economic Belt. It is not only a history lineage of China, but also a blueprint for deepening cooperation among European-Asian countries, a new chance for promoting development of those countries and regions. China hopes to push forward win-win cooperation with other countries and make a more beautiful future for Silk Road Economic Belt.”


Yang Zhenwu, President of People’s Daily, speaks at the opening ceremony of Silk Road

Economic Belt Media Cooperation Forum on July 2, 2014, in Beijing. (CCTV.com / Bai Yang)

Li also said that discussing the roles of media in the construction of Silk Road Economic Belt has profound significance for more understanding of neighboring countries, promoting communication among media in different countries and ensuring an important role for media in the Belt’s development.

Chinar Rustamova, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of Turkmenistan, said: “Turkmenistan speaks highly of the strategic idea of Silk Road Economic Belt, and considers it as an important program to realize transportation connection of Silk Road…This forum could help to build a closer relationship among alongside media. Media is a booster for realizing this strategic idea. We can be effected by media cooperation in economic, cultural and other areas. ”


Chinar Rustamova, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Embassy of Turkmenistan,

makes a keynote speech at the opening ceremony of Silk Road Economic Belt Media Cooperation

Forum on July 2, 2014, in Beijing. (CCTV.com / Bai Yang)

The Forum was hosted by People’s Daily. There were two sessions: Alongside Cities Development Seminar and Media Roundtable Discussion. All the participant media will later sign a joint statement on increasing cooperation and understanding and spreading “Silk Road Spirit” around the world.


Wei Dichun (center), Deputy Director-General of China Central Television, attends the

opening ceremony of Silk Road Economic Belt Media Cooperation Forum on

July 2, 2014, in Beijing. (CCTV.com / Bai Yang)


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