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来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-03-17


Japan's ruling coalition is expected to reach an agreement over the conditions of the country's right to exercise collective self-defense, and change the interpretation of its pacifist constitution to allow that right.


It has been Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s ambition, for Japan to reinterpret its pacifist constitution and adopt the long-prohibited right of collective self-defense. And after several heated discussions within the ruling coalition, Abe administration is looking likely to reach consensus on its final draft.

The ruling coalition has come to an agreement on the three conditions to exercise the right of collective self-defense. It is expected to win a cabinet approval on July 1st. But many Japanese criticize that the conditions are somewhat unclear.

Abe administration conceded to its junior partner, offering tougher conditions before Japan would be allowed to exercise the right to collective self-defense. But experts say it was more important for Shinzo Abe to pass the draft than the content.

"Changing circumstances, the conditions can always be changed and subsequent legislation can always be changed, altered so I think that he probably thought that opening that window was more important," Jun Okumura, visiting researcher with Meiji Institute For Global Affairs, said.

It was also apparent that Abe wanted to rush the final draft and the diet debate. Targeting the revision of the US Japan defense guidelines at the end of the year.

"If you think that collective self defense is important and if you look at the process of updating the Japan US alliance, then I think sense of urgency is quite natural," Okumura said.

There is a sense of confusion amongst the public. The debate on one of the biggest changes in Japan’s security policy is proceeding faster than expected. Leaving a trail of unanswered questions.


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