heat in the interior
interior heat syndrome
in heat 发情
on heat (动物)发情eg. cats on heat queue for fit 排队给发情的猫咪做节育
be on heat 发情, 性欲冲动
in the heat of adv.在最激烈的时候
at heat (母兽等)在交尾期
heat exchange of heat pipe 热管换热器
heat insulation and heat control 隔热降温
dead heat n. 胜负不分的赛跑
radiate heat 辐射热
soften with heat 受热后变软
heat n.1.[U] 热,热度,温度,高温,炎热天气2.[U] 强烈的感情,(尤指)愤怒或激动,辛辣批评3.[C] 预赛(获胜者可参加复赛或决赛),小组,组别4. 压力5. 枪6.
HEAT =High-Explosive Anti-Tank (Projective)反坦克高爆(弹)
Heat 警察.现在的说法是cops.
heat agglomerating 加热烧结
heat durability 耐热性
heat seeking 热辐射自导引
heat staple 热稳定的
off heat 废品
pseudo heat 假热
heat reactivity 【机】 热敏感性