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雅思作文:Graduates 'to take low-paid jobs'

来源:在线翻译网  时间:2023-11-08

据披露,由于经济萧条对就业市场影响深远,在未来几个月内,即将走出大学校园的多数学生并不指望找到一份体面的工作。 The majority of students leaving university in coming months do not expect to land decent jobs, it was revealed, as the recession continues to have a “profound effect” on the employment market.

据统计,数以千计的应届毕业生们做好了心理准备,接受酒吧、超市以及呼叫中心的低薪职位。 Thousands of final-year degree students are preparing to accept low-paid work in bars, supermarkets and call centres, according to figures.

本月成千上万的大学生将参加结业考试,种种迹象表明只有1/4的艺术及人文专业学生准备在本专业领域谋职 As thousands of undergraduates take end-of-course exams this month, it emerged that only a quarter of those on arts and humanities courses were preparing to secure work in graduate professions.

雅思作文:Graduates 'to take low-paid jobs'

这一结果是由High Fliers Research公司的分析人士披露的,该公司发起了一项超过16000名应届毕业生(占英国毕业生总数的1/5)参与的调查。 The disclosure came in a survey of more than 16,000 final year students – a fifth of those nationally – by analysts High Fliers Research.

尽管结果令人担忧,但事实如此:今年夏天毕业生们将面临前所未有的债务危机,一般学生需要为三年学业偿还18100英镑的借款。在伦敦某些地区,该项债务金额高达25700英镑。 It comes despite fears that graduates are facing record levels of debt this summer, with the average student being forced to repay £18,100 for a three year course. Debts rise to £25,700 in parts of London.

人们将“工作荒”归咎于最近几年大学毕业生失业人数的日积月累,这也使得2010的就业形势雪上加霜。 The jobs shortage was blamed on a “substantial backlog” in the number of jobless graduates from previous years – creating additional pressure on the employment market in 2010.

研究人员表示,由于学生们希望在竞争中能够抢先一步,因此,截止到去年十月末,一些大型企业已额外收到8000多份求职申请。 Researchers said 8,000 extra job applications had been made to leading companies by the end of October as students attempted to steal a march on competitors.

同时有消息披露,数以千计的学生准备攻读硕士学位,以此来回避就业问题。统计数字显示,约26%的学生选择在今年毕业后继续在学校深造。 It was also disclosed that thousands of students are preparing to take a postgraduate course as an alternative to finding a job. Some 26 percent of students will remain in higher education after completing degrees this year, figures show.

该研究显示,36%的学生确信今夏离校后,他们将开始毕业后的第一份工作,或开始寻觅一份这样的工作。 According to the study, 36 percent of students believe they will start a graduate job – or start looking for one – when they leave university this summer.

而在人文艺术专业学生中,这一数字暴跌至25%。 Numbers slump to 25 percent among arts and humanities students.

该研究表明,学生总数中有约26%的人准备攻读硕士学位,相比之下,有1/3的学生表示一旦被雇主录用,无论什么工作都可以做。 Some 26 per cent of all students are preparing to move on to postgraduate courses, while a third will take “any job they are offered”, the study said.

这也表明大多数学生将在商场、咖啡店、呼叫中心以及建筑工地上从事低薪职业,所学专业却长期没有用武之地。 This suggests large numbers of students will embark on low-paid jobs in shops, cafes, call centres and building sites – failing to use their degree for many years


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