例如:Traffic and housing problems in major cities could be solved by moving large companies and factories with their employees to the countryside. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
该题目提出大城市交通堵塞和居住紧张问题,建议解决方案是把大公司和员工转移到郊区。考生可以提出一些其他原因证明这个解决方案可能不会奏效。这些原因可以是: 交通设施落后old transport infrastructure 、交通管理水平低下poor traffic control 、城市人口增长过快fast population growth、住房供应不足inadequate housing supply 等。如果考生不深入思考这个题目可能会提出类似以下
错误论点:The city, large corporate, and factories could suffer substantial financial loss because business operation is usually more difficult in faraway location than in the city.
通过阅读Task 2 相关话题文章,如剑桥真题范文、BBC、Economist 等,积累词伙与句型表达,并模仿其写法。对于基础语法薄弱的烤鸭们,推荐先通读一本语法书,熟悉基本的语法结构,然后在接下来的阅读中巩固语法知识,加强多样性句型的灵活运用。对于基础还不错的学生,可以使用高分句型,如插入语,强调句或倒装句等。
很多刚接触雅思的考生都觉得看到Task 2 题目后无话可说,思路匮乏的最主要原因是雅思写作的主题并不在中国考生的关注范围之内,比如政府智能,犯罪和艺术话题等。雅思写作题目的出题范围非常广泛,往往难以预测。不过,雅思考试多年来主题的重复率一直很高,且集中在很有限的几大题材范围中,比如教育、社会、环境、政府等,同时注意犯罪、老年人、动物冷门话题素材的积累。与其盲目猜测,不如总结历年考过的主题,分门别类,考前每种主题练习一篇,考试时必能胸有成足,顺利应对。
推荐阅读The Economist、BBC NEWS,积累素材,寻找Ideas,例如:
雅思真题:The production and transport of food has been heavily influenced by modern technology. To what extent do you think this is a positive development?
节选自The economist:
IN AUGUST environmentalists in the Philippines vandalised a field of Golden Rice, an experimental grain whose genes had been modified to carry beta-carotene, a chemical precursor of vitamin A. Golden Rice is not produced by a corporate behemoth but by the public sector. Its seeds will be handed out free to farmers. The aim is to improve the health of children in poor countries by reducing vitamin A deficiency, which contributes to hundreds of thousands of premature deaths and cases of blindness each year.
建议烤鸭们最好将构思论点和写作的过程分开,两者同时进行非常不易。审题后,从问题的所有方面构思论点,你必须明确立场或自己与问题之间的关系,比如说同意、不同意或保持中立。例如:Alternative forms of transport should be encouraged and international laws introduced to control car ownership and use.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
最后,建议考生在备考时要充分利用《剑桥雅思官方系列真题》, 对其中涉及的议论文的各种题型要有全面地把握,了解写作方法,熟悉出题思路。对于书中所提供的范文,考生要仔细研读,从文章内容、结构和语言表达上加以分析和提炼,在自己写作时加以借鉴,从而达到事半功倍的效果。考生也要根据自己的情况科学规划自己的复习,除了《剑桥雅思官方系列真题》以外,还要仔细研究历年的真题,将其分门别类,按照不同的题型来复习,争取早日取得理想成绩。
2015 年2 月28 日: Some students take one year off between finishing school and going to university, in order to travel or to work. Do you think advantages outweigh disadvantages?
剑桥真题5 : In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people to do this. (几乎一模一样)。