例如,雅思出题者总爱在文章之一的题目中用一个难词。以“biometrics”为例。说英语的人也不大可能知道这个词,因为这个词相对较新且不常用。但出题者并非只给出这个词而不作解释。在文章中就给出了“biometrics”的定义。我们得知它是一种:“little-know but fast-growing technology that involves the use of physical of biological characteristics to identify individuals.” 这样我们就知道了词意。如果我们密切留意并不要忘记黄金法则,我们总是可以找得到这些生词的定义。在这一点上雅思出题者似乎对我们很是关照。
举关于port city的一篇文章为例。同样,大多数说英语的人可能也不能区分a port 和a harbour。 这些词就可能存在问题。那出题者会怎样使其简单化呢?他们会在文章中给出明确的定义。“Harbour is a physical concept, a shelter for ships; port is an economic concept a center of land-sea exchange which requites good access to a hinterland even more than a sea-linked foreland.” 在对它们提问之前,混淆就已经澄清了。出题者不会不对关键的词汇作出解释。不用担心。只需仔细阅读,在文章中找到这些定义,就没有问题啦。
“The genetic inheritance a baby receives from its parents at the moment of conception fixes much of its later development, determining characteristics as varied as whether it will have blue eyes or suffer from a life-threatening illness such as cystic fibrosis… In 1986, American researchers identified the genetic defect underlying one type of muscular dystrophy. In 1989, a team of American and Canadian biologists announced that they had found the site of the gene which, when defective, gives rise to cystic fibrosis.”
“The second success of research into genetic defect was to find the cause of …”
如上面文章中所说的,句中缺失的词是“cystic fibrosis”。尽管我们可能根本不知道“cystic fibrosis”是什么,我们也根本不需要知道。需要我们做的只是理解它前后的词。将它当作数学题中的x变量即可。知道它与前后文怎样连接就足够了。