参考例句:We strolled past tinkling fountains and perfumed gardens 我们漫步经过泉水叮咚的喷泉和芬芳四溢的花园
自来水 tap/running water;
参考例句:The pump doesn't work and we have no running water 水泵坏了,我们没有自来水了
矿泉水 mineral water;
参考例句:A glass of mineral water, please 请给我来杯矿泉水
纯净水 purified water;
参考例句: Only purified water is used 只使用纯净水
蒸馏水 distilled water;
参考例句:Four hundred liters of distilled water is enough 四百升蒸馏水足够了
洪水 flood;
参考例句:Flooding was caused by water gushing into rivers from uplands 从山地奔流而下的水涌入河中引发了洪水
洗发水 shampoo;
参考例句:This shampoo smells fruity and leaves the hair beautifully silky 这款洗发水是果香型的,洗后头发如丝般顺滑
胶水 glue;
参考例句:Stick them on using a small amount of glue 用少许胶水把它们贴上
香水 perfume;
参考例句:As she went past there was a gust of strong perfume 她走过时有一股浓烈的香水味
薪水 salary;
参考例句:You get a big salary incentive and free board and lodging too 你们能获得大笔激励性薪水,还可享受免费膳宿
水货 parallel import
参考例句:First, the parallelpit, the pit followed by those law - abiding dealers, pitconsumers 水货首先是坑国家, 然后是坑了那些守法的经销商, 坑消费者.