罪犯: criminal、law offender、law breaker、law violator、villain、vermin、convict
守法: abide by the law、comply、 compliance with the law、conform to the law、abidance by law、keep the law
滥用法律:abuse of law、stretch the law
监狱、关押:jail、prison、imprisonment、imprison、incarcerate、lock up
死刑:capital punishment、death penalty、death sentence
无期徒刑:life sentence、life prisonment、lifelong punishment
受害者: victim、casualty
改造 rehabilitate
威慑力 deterrent
武装抢劫 armed robbery
敲诈勒索 blackmail
非法闯入 break-in
窃听 bug
职业罪犯 career criminal
伪造 counterfeit
赌博 gamble
集团犯罪 organized crime
色情商店 pornoshop
纵火 arson
贩卖违禁品 bootlegging
行贿受贿 bribery
入室盗窃 burglary
虐待儿童 child abuse
强奸犯 rapist
劫持 hijack
扒手 pickpocket
逃税 tax evasion
开明的 enlightened
文明的 civilized
仁慈的 humane
和谐的 harmonious
同情的的 sympathetic