n. 注意,察觉;通告,布告;公告牌,警示牌;通知;事先声明,警告;预先通知期;剧评,书评;辞职信,搬迁通知;(报纸、杂志上的)小型广告,简短通告;警告书,说明书
v. 意识,注意;留意;正式通知;简评;客气对待;<古>提到,谈到
1. judicial notice:审判知识
2. interpol notice:红色通缉令
3. obituary notice:讣告
4. public notice:公告;公共启事;布告
5. take notice of:注意;留心;留意
6. allotment notice:配股通知;股份配售通知
7. further notice:另行通知
8. on notice:按事先通知的(地),被关照过的(地)
9. short notice:临时通知
10. advance notice:预先通知
11. take notice of:注意到;留意
12. public notice:公共启事,公告
13. at short notice:在短时间内;立刻,即刻;一通知到就
14. until further notice:在另行通知以前
15. at a moment's notice:即刻;随时;一经通知就立即
16. on short notice:忽然;急忙
17. notice board:布告牌;警告牌
18. copyright notice:版权记录;著作权通知
19. payment notice:[经]缴款通知
20. on such short notice:刚约就要见(没有给对方充裕的时间)
21. take no notice of:不理采…
22. further notice:另行通知
23. on notice:按事先通知的(地),被关照过的(地)
24. short notice:临时通知
25. advance notice:预先通知
26. take notice of:注意到;留意
27. public notice:公共启事,公告
28. at short notice:在短时间内;立刻,即刻;一通知到就
29. until further notice:在另行通知以前
30. at a moment's notice:即刻;随时;一经通知就立即
31. on short notice:忽然;急忙
32. notice board:布告牌;警告牌
33. copyright notice:版权记录;著作权通知
34. payment notice:[经]缴款通知
35. on such short notice:刚约就要见(没有给对方充裕的时间)
36. take no notice of:不理采…
They gave her two weeks' notice.
You must give one month's notice.
He pretended not to notice.
- newsstandn. 报摊;杂志摊
- newscastern. 新闻播音员;新闻播报员;新闻广播员
- newsagentn. 报刊经销商
- nauticaladj. 航海的,海上的;船员的
- noteworthyadj. 值得注意的,显著的
- negligentadj. 疏忽的,玩忽职守的,失职的;<文>放松的,随便的,不拘谨的
- narratev. 讲(故事),叙述;给(电影、广播或音乐等)配解说词
- negotiationn. 谈判,协商;转让
- negotiabilityn. 流通性;可转让性;可磋商性
- negligencen. 疏忽,大意;<法律>玩忽职守
- Apple newsstand进入苹果杂志摊
- television newscaster电视新闻主播
- groceries fruit stationery newsagent chemist食品杂货
- nautical instrument[水运]航海仪器;航海器具
- NoteWorthy Composer电脑乐曲处理
- negligent c rime过失犯
- The Right to Narrate叙事的权利
- Negotiation Skills协商技巧;会谈技能
- free negotiability of the stock股份全流通
- negligence of duty可转让票据;流通票据;渎职;疏忽职守