n. 鼻子;(飞机、火箭等的)头部,机首;嗅觉;觉察力;(酒的)特有的气味;<非正式>警方线人;探听,探问
v. (车辆、船只等)缓慢地前行;(动物用鼻子)拱,嗅;勉强领先(或获胜);<非正式>窥探,搜寻
1. Nose Art:机头艺术;机鼻艺术
2. The Nose:鼻子;诺思路线;男款多功能攀岩长裤
3. nose of tool:[机]刀尖;刀片头
4. brown nose:讨好;谄媚;拍马屁;献殷勤
5. runny nose:流鼻涕;流鼻水;鼻水;鼻涕
6. nose angle:刀角
7. long nose:长鼻子;长鼻梁;高鼻子
8. nose into:查探,探听
9. nose out:比……略胜一筹
10. stuffy nose:曲差
11. red nose:红鼻子
12. running nose:流鼻涕;[医]鼻漏
13. bloody nose:出血的鼻子
14. blow your nose:擦鼻涕,擤鼻涕
15. bridge of the nose:鼻梁;鼻背,鼻柱
16. run at the nose:流鼻涕
17. nose job:鼻子整形手术
18. nose piece:突鼻组件;喷嘴;换镜旋座;测头管壳
19. nose up:v.升起
20. have a nose for:对…敏感,很善于发现
21. nose to nose:面对面
22. long nose:长鼻子;长鼻梁;高鼻子
23. nose into:查探,探听
24. nose out:比……略胜一筹
25. stuffy nose:曲差
26. red nose:红鼻子
27. running nose:流鼻涕;[医]鼻漏
28. bloody nose:出血的鼻子
29. blow your nose:擦鼻涕,擤鼻涕
30. bridge of the nose:鼻梁;鼻背,鼻柱
31. run at the nose:流鼻涕
32. nose job:鼻子整形手术
33. nose piece:突鼻组件;喷嘴;换镜旋座;测头管壳
34. nose up:v.升起
35. have a nose for:对…敏感,很善于发现
36. nose to nose:面对面
I wrinkled my nose in disgust.
Her nose was spurting blood.
She punched him on the nose.
- newsstandn. 报摊;杂志摊
- newscastern. 新闻播音员;新闻播报员;新闻广播员
- newsagentn. 报刊经销商
- nauticaladj. 航海的,海上的;船员的
- noteworthyadj. 值得注意的,显著的
- negligentadj. 疏忽的,玩忽职守的,失职的;<文>放松的,随便的,不拘谨的
- narratev. 讲(故事),叙述;给(电影、广播或音乐等)配解说词
- negotiationn. 谈判,协商;转让
- negotiabilityn. 流通性;可转让性;可磋商性
- negligencen. 疏忽,大意;<法律>玩忽职守
- newsstand of life生命杂志
- television newscaster电视新闻主播
- groceries fruit stationery newsagent chemist食品杂货
- Aerospace and Nautical medicine航空航天与航海医学
- noteworthy quirk值得注意的怪癖
- negligent liability过失责任
- The Right to Narrate叙事的权利
- negotiation of draft汇票交割;汇票议付;汇票交割汇票议付;汇票接割
- negotiability and adaptability协商性和顺应性
- ordinary negligence[审计]普通过失;一般过失