n. 收入,收益
1. Personal Income:[劳经]个人所得; [劳经]个人收入;人收入;小我支出
2. operating income:[贸易]营业收入;业务收入;营业利润; [贸易]营业收益
3. Annual Income:年收入; [经]岁入;年发损; [会计]年度收入
4. Fixed income:[会计]固定收益;定息债券;固定收益证券
5. income effect:[税收]收入效应;收人效应;所得效果;收益效应
6. taxable income:应税所得;应纳税所得额;须纳税的收入;应税收入
7. national income:国民收入
8. income level:[经]收益水平
9. net income:净收益;收益净额
10. personal income tax:个人所得税
11. individual income tax:[经]个人所得税
12. income tax law:所得税法
13. income statement:[会计]损益表
14. investment income:投资收益;投资收入
15. family income:家庭收入;家庭总入息
16. disposable income:可支配收入
17. high income:高收入
18. gross income:总收入,总收益
19. annual income:年度收入
20. per capita income:个人平均所得
21. business income:营业收入
22. national income:国民收入
23. income level:[经]收益水平
24. net income:净收益;收益净额
25. personal income tax:个人所得税
26. individual income tax:[经]个人所得税
27. income tax law:所得税法
28. income statement:[会计]损益表
29. investment income:投资收益;投资收入
30. family income:家庭收入;家庭总入息
31. disposable income:可支配收入
32. high income:高收入
33. gross income:总收入,总收益
34. annual income:年度收入
35. per capita income:个人平均所得
36. business income:营业收入
All income must be declared.
Income from sales tax went down.
Income per head rose perceptibly.
- investorn. 投资者,投资机构
- inkwelln. 墨水池
- illustratorn. 插图画家;说明者;图解者
- illusionistn. 魔术师;爱幻想的人;幻觉论者;幻觉派的艺术家
- innovatev. 革新,创新
- in large quantities大量地
- in accordance按照;与……一致
- irsabbr. 美国国税局(Internal Revenue Service)
- irrabbr. 内部收益率(Internal Rate of Return);伊朗里亚尔(伊朗货币符号,Iranian Rial);红外线(Infrared Rays)
- ioun. 借据(等于 I owe you)
- angel investorn.天使投资者(用自己的资金投资一家初创公司的富人)
- Inkwell Manor墨水池庄园
- Illustrator Recovery Free文件修复工具
- De Illusionist魔术师
- Race To Innovate竞而为新
- in accordance to with根据
- IRS-1胰岛素受体底物;是否能通过磷酸化胰岛素受体底物
- iRR FEED边部加料作业
- iou er学拼音第九课