cystoscope operating set的中文释义
在线翻译网精选cystoscope operating set是什么意思、英语单词推荐
cystoscope operating set 膀胱镜手术器械包
cystoscope combination set 综合式膀胱镜
operating set 话务员用送受话器
septum operating instrument set 鼻中隔手术刀包
rhinoplastic operating instrument set 鼻整形术器械包
rhinoplastic operating instruments set 鼻整形术刀包
ear operating instruments set 耳科手术刀包
set of operating conditions 操作条件组
palatorrhaphy operating instruments set 腭裂修补手术刀包
laminectomy operating set 椎板截除手术刀包
cystoscope n. 膀胱内部检验镜
operating a. 1.操作的;营运的 2.业务上的 3.外科手术的
set v.[T]1.放,置;竖立2.(只用被动语态)使坐落;使处于特定位置3.安装4.安排5.使接触(to)6.【主美】放(火);点燃(火)7.打上(印记);签(名),盖(章)
SET =Self-Extending Translator 自扩充翻译程序
operating lamp 手术灯
non operating 【经】 非营业的, 营业外的
quick operating 【计】 快速操作
set to n. 互殴,缠打,拳击比赛
on set n.开始,动手
operating table n. 手术台
标签:cystoscope operating set cystoscope operating set是什么意思 cystoscope operating set的中文释义