curve of stability的中文释义
在线翻译网精选curve of stability是什么意思、英语单词推荐
curve of stability 稳定曲线
stability curve 稳定特性曲线
neutral stability curve 中稳态曲线
cross curve of stability 稳定性交叉曲线
track stability;stability of track 轨道稳定性
arm of stability 稳定臂
ageing stability 老化稳定性
automatic stability 自动稳定性
elastic stability 弹性稳定
emulsion stability 乳化稳定性,乳剂稳定性
stability n.[C]1.稳定;稳固2.稳定性;稳定度;稳定平衡3.永久性,耐久性4.坚定,坚决5.(天主教)僧侣许身寺院的誓约
curve n.1. 曲线,弧线,曲面,弯面2.【美】=curve ball(投向击球员的)曲线球v.[T,I](使)沿曲线运动;呈曲线形
hygro stability 湿稳性
quasi stability 准稳定性,似稳态
self stability 自动稳定性
semi stability 半稳定
spiral(curve) 螺线
liquidus curve 液相曲线
curve fitting 选配曲线
S curve 单位线相应的径流积分同线
标签:curve of stability curve of stability是什么意思 curve of stability的中文释义