certified variety of soybean and wheat的中文意思
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certified variety of soybean and wheat 鉴定豆麦品种
soybean variety chippewa 齐佩华大豆
dwarf soybean variety 矮化大豆品种
surplus mature wheat variety 极晚熟小麦品种
variety of winter wheat 冬麦品种
wheat variety development by selection 选育良种小麦
certified milk 无结核病乳,健康乳
certified transfer 经核证转让,经证明的股票过户,经证明的股票过户
chlorosis in soybean 大豆缺绿病
soybean production 大豆生产
certified adj.1..经证明的, 经认证的
soybean n. 大豆
variety n.1.[U]变化;多样化;多变性2.[sing.](同一事物的)不同种类,多种样式3.[C](植物、语言等的)种类4.[C]【生】品种;变种;【微】亚种5.[U]【主美】= v
wheat n.1.小麦(植物);小麦(籽实)
board certified adj. 通过验证的
variety show 杂耍,综艺节目
immature wheat 浮小麦
mid variety 中熟品种
sub variety 亚变种
garden variety a. 普通的,老一套的