let go
let go of
whistle down the wind
to whistle 鸣笛
whistle for 吹口哨召唤;妄想获得,休想得到…
go whistle 遭到拒绝;混日子
whistle board 司机鸣笛标
whistle lever 汽笛杆
electric whistle 电笛
exhaust whistle 排气笛,气笛
liquid whistle 液体警笛
manual whistle 人力号笛
wolf whistle 挑逗呼哨
whistle v. [I,T]1.吹口哨 2.(烧水壶或机器)鸣叫;呼啸;发出笛声 3.呼啸而行;嗖嗖地移动 v.[I] 1.鸣笛 2.呼啸着前进 3.空指望 4.啭鸣;唧啾
swanee whistle n. 斯旺尼哨,斯旺尼笛
clean as a whistle ad. 如口哨般地清澈
steam whistle n. 汽笛声
wolf whistle n. (某些男人)向过路女子吹的口哨
whistle interference 【电】 笛声干扰
whistle stopped [ whistle-stop ]的过去式
whistle stop n. 小镇
whistle blower 【法】 告密者, 揭发者
whistle blowing n.告密