centralized installation of welding machine的中文意思
在线翻译网精选centralized installation of welding machine是什么意思、英语单词推荐
centralized installation of welding machine 多站焊接
electroslag welding machine 电渣焊机
friction welding machine 摩擦焊接机
manual welding machine 手工焊机
stationary welding machine 固定焊机,固定式焊机
stitch welding machine 自动点焊机
precision welding machine 精密焊机
body welding machine 罐身焊接机
electric welding machine 电焊机
gun welding machine 手提式点焊机,点焊枪
welding n. 焊接
centralized a.1.集中的,中央集权的
electro welding 电焊
indirect(spot)welding 【化】 单面点焊
micro welding 微型焊接,显微焊接
hydrogen welding 氢焊
welding on 焊合,焊上,镶焊
braze welding 钎接焊
cement welding 金属陶瓷焊接
vertical(position)welding 立焊