hunt out
seek out
on the hunt for 正在寻找,正在搜索…
hunt for 追猎…搜寻…
in the hunt for If a team or competitor is in the hunt for something, they still have a chance of winning it.
hunt out v.搜寻出
scavenger hunt 【美】寻物游戏(参加者在规定的时间内寻找指定的物品,以先找到者或先找到的队为胜)
canned hunt phr. 篱内狩猎
hunt after 探求
hunt fur 捕猎野兔
hunt group 【计】 寻线群
hunt counter (狩猎时)背兽迹而追踪(指)做事背道而弛(不按规律办事)
hunt v.1.[I,T]打猎,猎取(野生禽兽)2.[I,T][hunt (for sth/sb)]搜索(某物[某人]),试图找到(某物[某人3.[T]赶走,驱逐(某物),追逐,追击(某物)
Hunt 亨特(姓氏)
still hunt v. 伏击
bargain hunt 捡便宜货买
hunt the thimble n. 藏手帕(游戏),丢手绢
fox hunt vi. 猎狐n. 猎狐
witch hunt n. 猎女巫
hunt's up n. 早晨唤醒参加狩猎者之猎号声
job hunt vt 找工作
hunt and peck 【美国口语】看着键盘打字