causing erosion怎么翻译及发音
在线翻译网精选causing erosion是什么意思、英语单词推荐
causing erosion 引起浸蚀
causing organic material to rot 使有机物变腐烂
by causing organic material to rot 通过腐烂有机物
without causing overissue of currency 不会导致货币过量发行
genes causing sterility 引起不育性的基因
causing flocculation 引起絮凝作用
fluorescence causing substance 荧光产物
tonify without causing stagnation 补而不滞
identification of instrument causing trauma 致伤物认定
causing a riot 【法】 聚众骚乱
erosion n.[C,U] 1.腐蚀,冲蚀,侵蚀2.[喻] 削弱,减少
cancer causing 致癌的
erosion corrosion 冲蚀腐蚀,磨蚀腐蚀