nip out
pinch off
pinch on 在…省钱,节省…
pinch of 一小撮;少量I need a pinch of salt now.我现在需要一小撮盐。
pinch with 使困苦He arrived looking pinched with hunger and cold.他到达时看上去又饿又冷。
pinch off 掐掉,摘掉,修剪掉…
If it comes to the pinch 必要时,万不得已时
pinch column 收缩柱
pinch effect 夹紧效应,箍缩效应
pinch frequency 夹断频率
pinch laser 箍缩激光器
pinch roll 夹送辊,拉辊,领纸辊
pinch v.1.[T]捏, 掐(某物,某人),夹紧(某物)2.[I, T](尤指鞋)夹痛(某人), 夹脚3.[Tn][~ sth (from sb/sth)]擅自拿走或偷窃某物4.(指警察)
pinch cock n. 弹簧夹
pinch discharge 箍缩放电
pinch ers n. 铁钳,钳子
pinch out 尖灭
pinch runner n. [棒](关键时刻上场的)替补跑垒员
pinch off 交错断裂
pinch hitting [ pinch-hit ]的现在分词
pinch preheated 收缩预热的
pinch hits [ pinch-hit ]的第三人称单数