lift the lid
lift the veil
take the lid off
lift to vt.将...运送至,使地位提高到
on the lift adv.虚弱地
lift the lid 揭开盖子,揭露真相
lift the shoulders 耸肩
car lift 车辆提升机,升车机
concrete lift 混凝土浇筑层,混凝土升高层
delivery lift 扬程
full lift 卷扬全高,卷扬全高
document lift 文件梯
floor lift 底板隆起
lift v.1.[I,T]将某人[某物]抬起、举起2.[T]将(某物)从原地移开3.[T]挖掘(蔬菜),拔去(植物)4.[T]偷窃某物,剽窃、抄袭(资料)5.[T]解除或撤销(限制)
LIFT =Logically Integrated FORTRAN Translator 逻辑集成公式翻译程序
lift on lift off adj.运输装在货柜中之货物的, 货柜运输的
lift bolt 提升螺杆,起重螺杆
multiple lift 多层
lift off n. 离地升空
high lift 大升程,铲运机
lift truck 升降式装卸车,装有提升机的卡车,自动装卸车
lift type 升式
pin lift 顶杆