cast-off cells什么意思及同义词
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cast off cells 脱落细胞
cast off cells of stomach 胃脱落细胞
gastric cast off cells examination 胃脱落细胞
cast off 解开;抛弃,摆脱,把…丢到一边
cast off poverty 脱贫
cast off poverty and become better off 脱贫致富
cast off poverty and set out on a road to prosperity 脱贫致富
cast on v.急忙披上(衣服等)
as cast 铸造的
to cast 出铁
cast off adj. 脱圈
cast v. [T]1. 投,掷,抛,扔,撒2. 投射(光、影、视线等)(+at/on)3. 脱落;蜕(皮);丢弃4.(动物)早产5. 投(票);抽(签);掷(骰子)6. 选派...
CAST =Center for the Applications of Sciences and Technology 科学技术应用中心([美]Wayne大学)
on/off 打开/关掉
Off prep. a. ad. 离开…,断掉的,关上的,脱离的,中断的,免除责任的,休假的
off adv.1. ...掉,...下2.(离)开,(走)开;(隔)开3. 向一边4. 离,距;离海岸5. 切断;停止,中止6. 不工作,休息7. 光,完,尽;全部地8.(
OFF 关,断开,关断
cast on 熔补
as cast 【机】 毛胚铸件
cast in 浇入