cast tow是什么意思
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cast tow 短麻
in tow 拖着,拉着,牵引着;跟在身边
to tow 拖,拖曳
cast on v.急忙披上(衣服等)
to cast 出铁
cast by 放弃, 排除
as cast 铸造的
tow path n. 纤路
rope tow phr. (把滑雪人运上山的)索道
tow out 拖开
tow n.(车船等的)牵引,拽引【习】in tow1.【非正式】紧随着,陪伴着2.(船)被拖着走v.(用绳索)拖,拉,牵引,拽
TOW =Tube-launchedOptically-trackedWire-guided(anti-tank-missile)陶式武器(一种用纯管式发射器发射的光学跟踪有线制导的反坦克导弹)
cast v. [T]1. 投,掷,抛,扔,撒2. 投射(光、影、视线等)(+at/on)3. 脱落;蜕(皮);丢弃4.(动物)早产5. 投(票);抽(签);掷(骰子)6. 选派...
CAST =Center for the Applications of Sciences and Technology 科学技术应用中心([美]Wayne大学)
tow. 【缩写】=tug of war (游戏)拔河;激烈竞争
sub tow 分丝束
kow tow 叩头 (对某人)俯首帖耳
tow hook 拖钩
tow line 船缆
tow bar 拖挂装置