casting surface的中文意思
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casting surface 铸造表面
casting surface area 铸件表面积
casting surface defect 铸件表面缺陷
on the surface of 上头
of the surface 外观上的, 外表的
on the surface adv.表面上
slurry casting casting 粉浆浇注
steel casting 铸钢,铸钢件
aluminium casting 铝铸件
annealed casting 退火铸件
casting n.1.[U]投掷,铸成品2.[C]角色
surface n.1.[C]表面;表层;面2.[C][usually sing.]水面;地面;液面3.[C](家具的)顶面,操作台4.[sing.]表面;外表;外观v.1.[I]升到水面;
casting in 浇合
casting on 浇补,补铸
surface to surface a. 地对地的
load casting 负载铸型作用
pressure die casting 压铸件
casting up 铸型浇注
D.C.casting 半连铸
slip casting 粉浆浇铸