casting pit的中文意思
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pit casting 地坑铸件,地坑铸造
casting pit 铸坑,铸造坑
to pit 青贮
slurry casting casting 粉浆浇注
shoot the pit 不付房租而潜逃;仓惶逃走,逃之夭夭
anal pit 肛道,原肛
circular pit 圆形均热炉
cuttings pit 切屑接收器,刀屑坑,收屑器
drawing pit 引上窑室
drench pit 脱水槽
pit n. 1.井;深洞;深坑 2.煤矿,矿坑 3.麻子;痘瘢 4.(赛车道旁的)修理加油站 5.(交易所中某一商品的)交易场所 v.[T] 1.使有麻子;使有凹陷
PIT =Precision In-line Tube 精密直列式彩色显象管
casting n.1.[U]投掷,铸成品2.[C]角色
pit. 【缩写】=principal, interest and taxes 本金、利息和税款
casting in 浇合
casting on 浇补,补铸
open pit a. 露天开采的
saw pit n. 锯木坑
pit stop like 像F1换轮胎般快速的停靠the pit-stop-like experience of eating a meal at the world's biggest fast-food chai
chalk pit 白垩矿场